Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Parkers- Sick Again

Well, just when I was getting a handle of all that was going on everyone gets sick. Alli started it all with a bout of strep throat and after a round of antibiotics it persisted. Sean took her to the Dr. which doesn't happen all that often. When he (dr.) said since it didn't respond to antibiotics it was probably viral, sean insisted he check anyway. Go Daddy! Sean was right and the Dr. was surprised and prescribed a stronger med. Well unfortunately stronger didn't mean tastes better so we spent a week playing the "If you take your medicine..." game with Alli. It was bad. Fortunately no one else caught it which is an amazing blessing.
Although, I rejoiced too soon. The next week we got a call from the school saying Aubrey threw up in class. Poor girl I felt so bad for her. This time it was a different story, because from then on every 2 days someone else was sick. The next victim was Connor who was at a soccer game when it hit. Then Monday it was Olivia. Then Wednesday it was me and Alli. It brought back all sorts of memories of morning glad that is over with! I knew that morning it was bad so I had Sean call a friend in the ward to watch Olivia while I spent the day with Alli puking and sleeping. We were sick buddies. I do not know what I would have done if I had to take care of Olivia all day, I mean, what else do you do with a 1 y/o when doing anything vertically is impossible? Anyway, I was so thankful to have someone to call on. Lucky Sean was the only one who didn't get it.

But now we are all feeling better. Just in time, too. This Saturday we are going to go to Provo so my cousins can take some family pictures. This was my solution to avoiding the high cost of a pro...2 BYU students who are creative and love kids. So instead of paying hundreds of $$ we promised them dinner in exchange for their services. I am scheeming another plan similar to this one to get Sean and I a weekend away w/free babysitters. If there's one thing I've learned about college can get them to do just about anything for a good home cooked meal. Plus my cousins are awesome so they would do nice things for me anyway. I will post some pics when we are done. We haven't had a real family picture since Aubrey was a baby...that is sad!


Renee' P said...

So sorry that all of your family has been sick. So far so good for mine.
Tis the season I guess.