Monday, April 27, 2009

Dear Olivia,

This is why there won't be enough pictures of you in 12 years. Alli steals the camera, takes random pictures, mostly of herself. This unfortunately takes all the memory on the camera card. When I finally find the camera after a mad search of the house, and if there is enough memory, the precious "kodak" moment is long gone. Just know that we love you even if there is only one picture per year. Someday you, too, will be old enough to take pictures of yourself. These pictures speak for themselves.
All my love,

Monday, April 13, 2009

Top 10 list of Top 10 lists

For some reason as things have progressed today I thought more than once "I could so make a Top 10 list for that". So at this point I have decided to just make a Top 10 of the Top 10 lists I would make. Here goes...

10. Top ten things I have learned about coloring my own hair in the last 3 weeks. As these lessons have quenched my thirst for knowledge, I have unfortunately learned them all on myself. My poor hair. wuah, wuah, wuaaah.
9. Top ten reasons to not have a 7 year old daughter. Please check me in to the next rubber room available.
8. Top ten worst ways to move.
7. Top ten ways to change a diaper on a wiggly 19 month-old who likes to touch her poopy bum.
6. Top ten ways to freak out to sufficiently scare your husband. I've had a few hard days.
5. Top ten ways to avoid real problems that should probably be dealt with umm...NOW. (Spoiler alert! Facebook and Blogging are 1. and 2. on the list)
4. The 10 worst ways to spend Easter.
3. The 10 cutest things Olivia does to remind me I do have a reason to be here. Collective "Awwww" would be appropriate here.
2. Top 10 ways to quickly, painlessly (with earplugs), completely tick your kids off...uh, I mean discipline your kids
1. Top 10 ways to completely exhaust yourself so that you have no sense of reason left. Is my room ready?