Monday, April 27, 2009

Dear Olivia,

This is why there won't be enough pictures of you in 12 years. Alli steals the camera, takes random pictures, mostly of herself. This unfortunately takes all the memory on the camera card. When I finally find the camera after a mad search of the house, and if there is enough memory, the precious "kodak" moment is long gone. Just know that we love you even if there is only one picture per year. Someday you, too, will be old enough to take pictures of yourself. These pictures speak for themselves.
All my love,


Renee' P said...

How sad and sweet at the same moment.
Try hiding your camera!
BTW...your little girl is adorable!

D.Jones said...

That is too cute! Alli is adorable! I can't believe how grown up she is. How old is she now. Very cute! Miss you girl!

arlingtonienne said...

Dang I LOVE that haircut she has-- seriously! So cute!!!

Megan said...

Thanks Guys! I do in fact cut Alli's hair (and everyone else in my little family too), so thanks for that :) This was all in fun, although I do a camera hunt nearly everyday. The funniest part about those pictures is that they really were done on her own! I was uploading pictures of the new house and found them along with about 50 other random pictures. oh, yeah! Alli is 5 and starts kindergarten in the fall.

Timani said...

That is so funny! She did a pretty good job taking pictures with the exception of cutting off the top of her head, but an excellent job of making faces!

Maegan said...

Alli and Emily are definitely both almost kindergarteners. We have so many pics of her own face, stuffed animals, blades of grass, etc. I think I need to get the girl her own camera.