Monday, February 18, 2008

Loose Tooth Week!

In January we had one especially busy week. Connor and Aubrey each announced proudly they had loose teeth. You see this is especially exciting for Connor as he had a late start at losing his teeth. He didn't lose his first tooth until after his 7th birthday, last June! So he spent all of Kindergarten and 1st grade envious of all of the kids around him losing their teeth and hearing their tales of what that ever elusive tooth fairy left in exchange for their teeth. So each time is extra exciting. For Aubrey (age 6) this is her first time ever! She got to return to school and mark it on a chart they have in her classroom, it was all very exciting. It was however that weekend when the tooth fairy realized the error of giving $1 for each tooth. It was then that she decided to send a detailed price list upon the receipt of the next teeth. We'll let you know what that says!


Megan said...

p.s. that's not a bruise on Aubrey's forehead...she just got done painting a picture.

Megan said...

Update...Aubrey lost another tooth!