Thursday, March 13, 2008

keep on chuggin' along...

Well the last month has flown by! I can't believe its been almost a whole month since I have posted anything. When I started this blog I wanted to post something weekly. I'll be working on that.Well since last time we have been busy enjoying our new "warm" weather (pretty much anything over 40 degrees).

Connor has been busy with his friends in the neighborhood including learning the joys of Guitar Hero but mostly doing boy things outside...Riding bikes, playing basketball, running around and making up games. He has also been learning about the neighborhood bully "Mean Wyatt". So there have been a lot of discussions about handling conflicts. As he is learning these lessons I can't help but think about how close he is to being baptized! Just a few short months. It should be the first weekend in July. I can hardly believe it!

Aubrey is very happy about the sunny days and the warmer weather. She has been slowly venturing out to enjoy the outdoors again. She has learned that she is not much of a winter girl. The idea of playing in the snow was appealing to her this winter, until she actually was outside. She happily dons her pretty pink hat, gloves and boots. Layers on the turtle necks and sweaters. Finds the perfect socks to go with her whole outfit. Zips up her coat. Jumps out into the snow, frolics for a moment. Declares to one and all it is TOO COLD and comes inside for a warm cup of hot chocolate. This was the routine about once a week. I began thinking that she may just do it all for the hot chocolate, but it kept her busy so I didn't mind. So needless to say since we have had such nice weather she has been pleased.

Alli has loved the winter just as well as the springtime. This winter her poor little body and mind weren't working well together. After an hour of playing outside her limbs would be freezing but she just didn't want to stop having fun. This is probably where the hot chocolate came in, it was the only way to get her inside. So, her toes and fingers and nose are pleased with the sunshine. We made the delightful purchase of sidewalk chalk for $1 and this has kept her busy with Aubrey coloring pictures all over the driveway, front walk, and steps. Just this week there are a whole collection of artwork. Self portraits, flowers and of course hopscotch! Also the slope of our driveway has proved just enough to race their bikes and scooters up and down (of course never in the street!).

Olivia has grown up so much in the last couple of weeks! She is sitting alone for the most part. As long as she doesn't get too wiggly she sits well. As soon as she is excited she moves around and topples over. She is now 6 months old. With all of the health concerns the first 4 months went by so slowly. I can't say that I minded. Knowing that this will be the last baby (at least from my tummy!) I have tried to take in and appreciate every stage she has gone through. She is just SO happy all the time it is such a blessing! This last Sunday while in Sacrament Meeting she found a new way to entertain herself (as well as Sean, myself and even the bishop got a kick out of it). While facing forward sitting on Sean's leg she began to shake her head back and forth against his chest (as if she were saying "no" quickly). She started doing this and it must feel good because she would not stop and she just kept on and was smiling and giggling and shaking her head, smiling, giggling, and shaking her head. Its not so much that she does this but that she gets such a kick out of it, its adorable! (maybe you have to see it for yourself)

So along with spring our family is doing some learning and growing. I suppose it's inevitable. We have been so blessed and we are looking forward to all that the future holds. I am truly happy and thankful for the blessing that is my family!


Anonymous said...

Don't you love Utah...who would've thought that 40 degrees would be considered "warm"! Enjoyed sitting around a gabbing with you tonight at "fab Fri"!


Anthony and Christel said...

Hey!!! I am pretty sure you stole my scissors last night!! I know how much you were coveting them! :) Just kidding....relax ok, it was just a joke! It was fun last night..well..not the whole sewing thing (ha ha) just chatting! I'm excited to share a calling with you! It will be fun to get to know you better. I can see us getting along just fine, both being sarcastic and all! Have a swell day!

Maegan said...

I think I could use a hot chocolate break every day! I think I am going to have one right now. I love the loose tooth pics!

Timani said...

Hey, it was good to see you the other day!

It's pretty pathetic that we live what, 3 miles apart and only see each other in Idaho. :)