Friday, July 11, 2008

Well that was short lived : (

So we HAD a new dog and then he started biting. First it was Aubrey, he got her nose. But we figured it was a one time incident Then Connor started reporting that Jack "tried" to bite him, but neither Sean or I saw it so we thought that Connor might just be a little worried. In the mean time Aubrey was wonderful and made friends again with Jack and wasn't afraid of him at all. Then Jack was outside playing with the kids and some of their friends in the neighborhood (I was watching from inside). I noticed that he was getting a little too excited so I brought him in to calm down (the dog). About 10 minutes later the door bell rang. It was our neighbor with her son. Jack bit his ankle, punctured the skin and left a bruise! I felt SO bad. It was at that point that I decided Jack had to go back and couldn't stay. We gave the owners we bought him from the opportunity to take him first and they did. So we are back to being dogless. We aren't sure where to go from here. Funny enough Aubrey was the most upset about Jack leaving and was the first to ask when we get another dog. We are going to take a break for now. Maybe we'll try again next year.


Lisa said...

Wow- dogs are a lot of work huh? Too bad he started biting (that is sad). When we had Jubjub- he was as much work as a kid!

Gosh Megan your kids are soooo big! How is mommy life treating you? Where in Utah are you? Hope you are doing great!