Friday, August 1, 2008

We've been on "vacation"

If that's what you call driving 26 hours with 4 cranky children who would rather be anywhere else but the car for the next however many hours. But we did have a good time while we were in Spokane, WA (where I am originally from). We stayed with Sean's grandma Clegg who was very sweet to put up with all of the rowdiness that comes along with us. Spent a lot of time with Matt and LeeAnne (Sean's aunt and uncle) and their kids Josh and Amanda (11 and 9) who by all intents and purposes are considered cousins to our kids. We also got to spend an afternoon at my Dad and Step-Mom's alpaca farm-the kids LOVED the animals as well as ladder golf. The kids also loved Dads ("Grampa Mark") silly jokes. Connor and Sean were treated to a Spokane Indians baseball game by Uncle Matt. While at the game Connor was "privileged" to witness first hand what a transvestite is. We are proud to announce that he does not want to be one when he grows up! We were also treated to lunch by my Aunt Laura who took us to McDonald's where my cousin Carson works. Carson did an awesome job and it was fun to see him in action! Later we went swimming for a bit. Hopefully next time we can make it for a trip to the cabin or at least spend more time together! While it's a long trip we are glad to make it year after year to visit our much loved family!!

While I kept forgetting my camera I did remember to bring it for swimming fun!

Olivia's Pool

Connor and Carson posing with their goggle's

Alli- the bathing beauty!

Aubrey being unimpressed with the sun-smiling anyway


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've been busy. I know LeeAnn Clegg. We used to be in the same ward when Vince and I were first married. We are friends. What a small world.

Angela said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun