Thursday, December 11, 2008


(ok one person requested that I blog more)
But as far as I'm concerned that's popular enough...tehe

So what's new at the Parker house...hmmm.

Well Aubrey received the honor of Student of the Month for November. For the second year in a row...both in November. Which is driving Connor CRAZY, because he has never been student of the month, which as it turns out is just a perk for Aubrey. Gotta LOVE sibling rivalry. She has also been getting straight A's the whole year. Aubrey with a poem book she wrote

Connor passed of his Wolf requirements in Cub Scouts over the Thanksgiving weekend. (6 months early). He absolutely loves scouts, which I'm pleased about because I haven't had to ever nag him about it. He also has a new friend Spencer that lives 2 doors down. Spencer's family is awesome and Spencer is a really nice kid, so we are happy about the whole thing!
Connor being a goof-ball

Alli is loving preschool and I love that she loves it. It has kept her busy and happy. With both of the older kids at school all day there isn't much for her to do, which is a first for her. She has always had at least Aubrey home to entertain her. She is really struggling with being alone. Olivia isn't quite old enough to play with, for any extended period of time at least. So tuesdays and thursdays are more difficult and lately she starts asking "when are the kids going to be home?" around 12 noon. After the holidays I think she's going to start swim lessons at the local indoor pool, that should keep her busy. Alli with her birthday presents
(the scooter, hat, and gloves)

Olivia is growing up so fast! She has been walking since a week before Halloween. Olivia is into board books, cars and trucks, and she loves to carry around one of Aubrey's purses. She gives the BEST hugs and kisses and is in love with her puppy. I could write all day about how amazing she is and how smart, and cute. I'll spare you.
A moment of her just being silly and cute!
helping put up Christmas decorations

It's funny because we can always tell whether the kids get their coordination from Sean or I. Connor started walking at 10 months, running the next day and before that he was climbing on EVERYTHING. Coordinated- mom. Aubrey was slower to walk and hasn't stopped falling over. Uncoordinated- dad. Alli was walking at a year and dancing quickly after that, dance lessons came naturally. Coordinated- mom. Olivia wasn't walking until 14 months, it's been over a month and a half and she is still bouncing off walls, cupboards and people...she hasn't quite figured out her breaks yet. Uncoordinated-dad. It doesn't seem to bother either Aubrey or Olivia to have no coordination and luckily for them, I know coordination can be learned.
Now don't get me wrong, Sean isn't what you would call a klutz but smooth and graceful are definitely words that would not describe anything he does. Or anyone in his family (God love them) for that matter. And before Sean becomes the victim in everyone's mind, he is aware of this.

Speaking of Sean. He is working his hiney off even though things are slowing down. In part due to seasonal demand as well as the "slowing economy". While some of his friends in the industry have been laid off, Sean remains confident in his job security. So for now we continue to be thankful for his job and our hearts go out to those going through job loss and financial struggles during this holiday season.

I am officially registered as a student at Salt Lake Community College. I was so worried that my classes would fill up and there wouldn't be any room for me, which led to me stalking the internet registration status for a week. Not making it in would have been a HUGE set back. For anyone who doesn't know I will be going into Cosmetology. Sean is super supportive and (pre-maturely) looking forward to a 2nd income. No pressure, sheesh. I totally feel that this is the right choice for me at this time. I know it'll be hard with young kids but we'll just work through it like everything else. Plus, I could be proven wrong but I think I have some natural talent in the area. So count down month exactly! I will be taking two Cosmetology lab classes, one Cosmetology Theory class and one business HR class (online).

So there you have it. That's how we are these days. I'll have to write all about the Holiday festivites and Shenanigans!


arlingtonienne said...

The blogosphere thanks you :-)