Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I remember being pregnant with Olivia. The song Bubbly by Colbie Caillet was really popular. At the time we had a really old laptop and I would sit with the computer, while on the internet, and listen to the song over and over along with a Michael Buble song. Every time, EVERY TIME that little baby would wiggle and move and poke around and become so active, I could tell she loved the music.
I had the pleasure to go into the Dr.s office for NST's every week after 28 weeks. I loved this time I was able to spend with my little bean, no kids allowed, all alone just listening to her quick little heart beat. Strong everytime and the Dr. would announce at the end of every appointment "She is the happiest baby I've ever seen!". That's just who she is. Two and a half years later she is still "The Happiest ____!". Commonly used nouns are "Little girl" and "Two year old.". My favorite is when one of the kids friends observe how happy she is for a 2 year old. Both Connor and Aubrey's friends have commented on how Olivia is not like any other 2 year old they have seen. Usually followed by some comment about their younger sibling. I wish I could take full credit for her happiness. More often than not I feel that it is despite me, not because of me.
I know Grandma had some strict Heavenly instruction for her before she was sent down. Grandma had strict instructions for everyone she loved.


Maegan said...

I have a happy little guy. It's strange how children really just come and you get to find out who they are.

Megan said...

yes, it also helps that you are confident in your ability to mother. I look at how I was with Connor and now with Olivia, I am much more relaxed now. Also, don't sell yourself short. Our pediatrician told me once when I was saying what a good baby Olivia is "Give yourself some credit. 99% of good babies have good mommies." That's not to say good moms don't have tough babies.