Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Obsession Continues...and an update.

Well, I am now on book #3 of the Twilight series. The first two books I finished in one day each. This time I am taking my time. Book #4 isn't out until sometime in August so I have nothing to rush into. It is so exciting when I find something I enjoy reading so much! It's also been nice to have something to distract me from the ground hog days of summer.

Connor has been at Scout Camp the last 2 days (no over nights just yet). Apparently it hasn't bothered him that the thermometer has held steady in the 90's. I can only imagine the relief he has felt spending 2 days without his sisters. Just up in the woods with a bunch of boys doing boy things. Last night he told of his adventures learning to shoot a b.b. gun (honestly I don't know how to spell it) and getting a compass. When I arrived to pick him up he asked if his leader could just take him home...I think he has been craving this time for 6.5 years! As soon as he got home he started asking for a pocket knife. In true parental fashion Sean and I made him wait for the answer, "Let me talk to Dad about it", "Mom and I need to talk about it", "I don't know that's a lot of responsibility for an 8 year old boy...", "well....". We must be crazy because we ended up saying yes. He proudly made his purchase with some of his birthday money along with a whip...yes a WHIP. Not exactly what I was expecting him to come home with today but he said that he decided to buy a whip instead of a treat for himself. As long as he's not using it on his sisters I can't exactly argue with that. He is growing up so fast.

Olivia has started crawling!! Well sort of. She does 2 real crawling steps and then goes straight to her stomach to her own version of the army crawl. She is definately getting where she wants to go. Her new favorite toy is the door stop, I can count on a good 5 minute stretch to get something done if I set her in the right spot..."booiiinnngggg...booiiinnngggg...". I'll have to put up more pictures of everyone! Check back soon!


Skeem's said...

I just finished the twilight series for the second time! I will probably read them again before #four is sent to me:)They are sooo good I love them! Kamdin was sad she couldn't play with your girls anymore, they are so cute! We'll be there saturday so hopefully they can play!

Timani said...

He's the perfect age for a pocket knife, we've allowed our boys to get one at 8 also. Glad he enjoyed all the "boy time". :)

Angela said...

Sounds like Connor had a great time. I can't wait until Jayden can do those type of things, I can't believe Olivia is crawling wow how time flies!!

Maegan said...

I also read Twilight #1 & #2 in one day each. What is with those books? I know so many of my mommy friends who love those books (aka Edward) Are we starved for some romance, action or entertainment or all the above? Whatever, I am waiting for #4 too.
Too bad on the biting doggy. No fun. We visited Bryan's uncle's family for a weekend and they have a chihuahua. Both my girls got bit once from the dog and cried for hours about it. And yet they were so sad to say goodbye. ?