Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yee-Haw! The Parkers Visit the Rodeo

Last Friday the girls performed at the rodeo. We weren't there for very long about 1/2 an hour just to watch them dance. I have to say that I thought that Aubrey would have remembered her dance steps as she is an old pro at this point and I expected Alli to not really enjoy it too much but do her best. I was surprised that it was exactly the opposite. I was even sitting there thinking to myself "This is really Aubrey's thing maybe we'll get Alli into sports next year". For those of you who don't know Aubrey inherited her (ahem!) coordination from the Parker side of the family (which means there's a lacking in that department). Alli takes after me in so many ways, she's a bit of a tom-boy, but still very girly. So back to the story...Aubrey went on first and she did ok but she forgot a lot of the steps which surprised me. (I've seen her in class and she knew the steps). She said she had fun so that was all that really mattered. Then it was Alli's turn. She got on staged and HAMMED it up. She started by looking for me and once she found me she waved really fast and yelled "Hi, Mom!" then blew a few kisses and started her dance. For a 4 year old she did really well. At the end all of the dancers got on the stage and did a big group dance "The Cha Cha Slide" This is when I could see they were both having a blast. They have one more real recital next Saturday so we'll see if anything changes. Either way they have both really loved going to dance class and they like getting all dressed up in their costumes and putting makeup on and getting their hair done.

When we were at the rodeo for the girls dance I started thinking it would be fun to take the whole family Saturday night. I talked to Sean about it and we agreed the kids might enjoy it. Saturday afternoon we had Connor's birthday party. After that we got the kids ready and went to the Rodeo. I wasn't really sure what to expect since the last rodeo I went to was years and years ago in Spokane. I was pleasantly surprised! It was very family friendly, they had all sorts of games and fun things for the kids to do. Plus they had all of the yummy food...funnel cakes, kettle corn all sorts of fried stuff. Right as we were getting ready to buy our tickets some lady handed Sean 2 adult tickets and said "do you want these some guy just handed them to me". So Sean yelled up to me (already at the ticket counter) just get the kids tickets. Then the same lady turned around and said "oh here, I have 2 coupons for the kids" free entry. Sean who was right behind me at that point "never mind, just 1 kid ticket". Thank you to whoever that was b/c our whole family got in for $5! This turned out to be a better idea than I thought! (saved us $30!). On top of that the rodeo proved to be entertaining for everyone. Although it was FREEZING cold and windy with a few short rain showers to top it off. At one point a fireman handed a blanket up to Sean who was huddled w/Aubrey and Alli trying to keep them warm and said "Here, they look cold". Towards the end Aubrey was dying to get warm Olivia was bundled up in a sweater and blankets and Sean (big tough guy) was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Connor and Alli wanted to stay and watch the bull riding so Sean took Aubrey and Olivia back to the van until the very end of the bulls. I stayed and watched several more events until finally the much anticipated bull riding. Connor was enthralled with these men riding the bulls. Awww, he's a little cowboy at heart. We all survived and came back together to watch the fireworks. By the time we got home the kids were all passed out. It really turned out better than I had expected. We plan on going back next year.

When in Rome, do as the Romans. When in Tooele, go to the Rodeo!


Angela said...

Looks like your girls go to the same dance place I am thinking about sending Taylor to. How do you like it?

Megan said...

we really liked their teacher. we aren't re-enrolling them though because we are going to be paying for pre-school instead. It was also nice because they had more than one performance. I always warn everyone who is getting into dance for the first time to plan for extra fees on top of the monthly dues. Costumes, pictures and performance fees, but this is standard for all dance studios.