Saturday, September 6, 2008

Continued: I'll chase after your kids, too...

Yeah...we weren't even CLOSE to being home to ended up being closer to 9. Connor's soccer game started at 6:00 so we were 30min. late! oops. Although it was over earlier we were home later.
As the game ended the kids were running around letting off some extra steam and we were slowly making it back to load up the van. Just as I put Olivia in her seat I saw a little girl SCREAMING and running after or away from/to something. She was screaming "MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY....". The only thing I could think to do was start running after her. We were parked behind the Jr. High and I finally caught up to her in the front. I think at one point she was actually running away from me. Once I caught up though I just kept reassuring her that I was going to help her. I also realized (while chasing her) that she had been left. So many things were running through my mind..."she couldn't have been left"..."OK I am the only one chasing her"..."no one is turning around". When I caught up to her, 1st I was surprised by the lack of concern that everyone around had, people were just ignoring the entire event, getting in their cars and leaving. Even while I was struggling with her, because she wanted to continue running down the street, which was dangerous for obvious reasons. Finally she quit struggling and realized I was going to help her and keep her safe. Sean finished loading the kids and hopped in his car and drove up to where we were and called the police, and then ran back and got the van. At this point it had been a while and I realized it was going to take some time for her parent(s) to come back. One other mom from our team parked near us and asked if she could help, I asked her to stay for a while in case she needed to make a statement for the officer. Everyone else had left. In the mean time I was just talking to her to earn some trust and find out whatever we could about her family. One other family from the other soccer team, stopped by to tell us her last name and offered to take her home (which I was not ok with...lost child, not leaving in a strangers car...not on my watch) when the officer explained that's not a good idea, they left. After about 45 minutes I let my girls out of the car to talk to her (at this point she told me she was 4 and I explained that I have a 4 year old, too and introduced her to Alli). We also gave her a Happy Meal toy the girls had in the car (Littlest Pet Shop are always a hit with girls). The 3 girls sat on Sean's trunk and talked for a bit until finally, her dad pulled up. He explained that he and his wife were here separately and each thought they had her and after he returned home they obviously realized the mistake. Reasonable explanation. We finally left at 8:15 pm. Moral of the story; you can never over-communicate when it comes to your kids. Now, I understand being totally embarrassed being the parent in that incident and all I wanted was to know what happened and after waiting over an hour with a strangers child I would have been plenty happy with a simple "Thank-You". Don't get me wrong I didn't do this for myself, I'm not looking for a pat on my back, high fives or an award. I did it because in a split second I was told to, in my mind and my heart I knew that I had to. I was just utterly astonished at others lack of concern. For all anyone knew I was trying to kidnap that girl but people were waving and smiling at me (it also would have been nice to have a little help, I am NOT a runner). Wake up people! Pay attention to the people around you and the "gut" feelings you have. I hope that if I make such a mistake or my kids are in trouble, or harms way that there is someone to chase them, or protect them or whatever it is. We can't always be there for our kids and we have all done thoughtless things. Our kids will all be more safe if there are other people who aren't afraid to just make sure they are ok. We can't be afraid to show concern for others. I would rather look like a complete idiot/jerk 100 times before there was 1 time help was really needed.


Anthony and Christel said...

Wow, what a crazy situation. Thank goodness you listened to your gut feeling, and acted on it. I'm sure that her parents were so appreciative.

Timani said...

That's sad, glad you were paying attention and helped.

I'm always worried that I'll leave one of my kids behind. Once we left Lance at church and realized it about 20 minutes later. But he was 10, he'd been told many times to get to the van and walked off before I headed out, I didn't even check to see if he had listened.

I can totally see the parent's mistake, esp. with taking two vehicles! I'm sure the parents appreciate you so much, even if it wasn't stated. They probably prayed for you and are grateful for you watchful eye and caring heart.

Megan said...

Thanks you guys are sweet.

I can totally relate to being so embarrassed that you don't even know how to act or what to say...been there. Sean and I were also talking about how that could happen to anyone. We took 2 cars that day, too. Anyway it was just a crazy day that had a crazy ending.

Also,to Everyone reading... I really feel like I need to say that when I say "gut" for me that truly is The Holy Ghost telling me to do something. Because whether or not we are members of The LDS Church we all have a conscience. I don't want to discount that by narrowing it down just to members. I truly believe and have a testimony that the Holy Ghost does help me to know what to do and when to do it. I couldn't be half the mother I am without that gift. It is precious to me.

The Shawcrofts said...

Megan! I love your blog! And I love your cute little dog and my dog wants to play with her so bad. Maybe some day I can take them on a walk together. :)

Ashley Shawcroft

Andrea said...

Megan, I don't know if I ever told you, but I had almost the same thing happen to me when we were at Liberty Park. We were headed to the middle of the park to play in the water and there was a little boy running the opposite direction. I started to get my kids settled and then glanced back and saw that he was still running, but towards no one and no one was following him, either. I left all my kids right there and ran after him. I didn't catch up to him until he was about 5 yards away from running right into 900 south traffic! And no one else even blinked an eye. I even yelled at some guy to help me stop the kid and he made half and attempt and then let me do the rest. What a bum! I was so mad. I was so mad that no one cared. It wasn't their kid, it wasn't their problem. When I finally got back, all these people were declaring me a saint and I thought, "Whatever! Where are YOU gonna be when it's MY kid who's lost?!" Sometimes we are too stranger danger, you know? I know what you mean about the Holy Spirit, and I'm so glad that you were in tune enough to hear and act on those promptings.

Nicole Stenzel said...

Hey girl, didn't know you had a blog. It is good to find it. I hope all is well with you and hopefully we get to see eachother soon!