Thursday, September 4, 2008

Naptime is Over!

For me that is. Since school started I have been taking it easy and enjoying the fact that I don't have to worry about what 2 of my kids are doing for a few hours during the day. I knew it wouldn't last long because I always find a way to be busy and when I can't? Well, there is plenty of housework to occupy my time...that's never ending. I did not know however, that my "lazy days" would end with such a BANG!
I started the day off getting the kids ready for school as usual. Last night I got a call from a Board member of the new charter school in Tooele. She asked if we could meet at problem. After I hung up I realized I had an appointment for Connor and Olivia for check-ups and shots for Olivia. The Dr. appt. was at 10am but I didn't think about the time AT the Dr as well as the drive to and from Salt Lake. I knew it would be pushing it but the matter was urgent and I knew they didn't want to wait another day to get started so I just decided to play it by ear. Anyway, I got the girls ready for the day, myself ready and pulled Connor out of school. We all rushed to the Appt. and back. To my delight I was less than 10 minutes late and they had double booked meetings so my being late turned out to work for all of us. Our meeting was supposed to be less than an hour but ended up being 2! In the mean time Aubrey and Connor were home (they walk to and from school). So I spent time juggling the tasks at hand as well as fielding phone calls from the kids (only 2 one from each, asking what their jobs were!!! I love having responsible kids!!!) but I also had Alli and Olivia (who had not had a nap all day and wasn't all amused by our need to continue the HAD to be done, though.) Poor Alli didn't have lunch yet (it was 2 before we left) but survived on a bag of Cheez-Its and a box of crayons. She also spent time educating 2 second grade boys on the art of wearing 2 shirts (an "under-shirt" and an "over-shirt"). Finally the meeting ended and I left with my list of assignments for the next day or 2. I felt so bad for Connor and Aubrey, they of course could have cared less and were happy to get their pity drinks from Sonic. So that brings us to 2:30! So went the afternoon- Olivia down for a nap- Convincing Alli, in vain, to lay down and watch a show (code for take a nap already)- helping the kids with homework- trying to get some things done for the charter online- pick up the mess that has been stewing for the last 2 weeks-playing referee to Connor/Aubrey, Aubrey/Alli, Alli/Connor etc.- more email correspondence (I'm not going to lie there were a couple of fun ones to/from friends)-hosting an impromptu Wii party with some boys from the neighborhood- charter school phone calls- getting Connor ready for the soccer game at 6:30 (this was at a 1/4 to 6 and I realized dinner would have to wait if we have any chance of making it on time. We'd be home by 7:45, right?

To Be Continued...


Anonymous said...

Megan, are you involved with the new charter school, or have information on it. We've been trying to figure out what we want to do with Halle as kindergarten approaches. If so, could you send me an email? lissel_dalton (at) THANKS!

Timani said...

What are you doing with the new charter school? I was so tempted to check into that this summer, but with a baby on the way and moving, I decided against it. Although the flier is STILL in my purse. :) I hope it does well!

(and now with the twins news, I'm so glad I didn't commit to anything).