Monday, September 22, 2008

My baby is getting older!!!

Olivia Margaret Parker 1 week (September '07)

Olivia is 1! I can't believe it. So much has happened in the last year it's hard to believe it's only been a year. On the other hand I can't believe my baby is 1 already! We had a combined birthday party for Olivia and Aubrey (her birthday is September 13th). Since we waited to have Olivia and Aubrey's party together I got cupcakes to celebrate on her actual birthday (September 2nd).

Here is a list of things my 1 year old can do:

  • giggle like it's nobody's business (she has the best giggle)
  • say words like: Mama, Dada, Baba, dog (which is the first part of the word "do-") bye-bye
  • wave hello and goodbye, when she feels like it
  • give kisses (open mouth)
  • cruise along the furniture
  • stand w/out holding on to anyone/thing for support
  • crawl like there's a fire
  • peek-a-boo
  • play w/cars and trucks and go "vvrrooomm....vvrrooomm"
  • she LOVES looking at board books
  • she gives great hugs, too!
She is just about ready to walk and it could be any day. Even after 4 kids I am still amazed at all that happens in the first year.

September 2nd 2008
After her first cupcake- she loved it!

Olivia's First Birthday Cake


Anonymous said...

That is the cutest cake ever! Did you make it yourself? If so, I'm totally jealous. And I can't believe that Olivia is already 1 yr. I remember watching her when she was just 6 months old... What a great reason to celebrate!