Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Megan: The Student

So for the first time in almost 10 years, I turned selfish. I am back at school, and I love it. I really never thought I would love school this much, ever. But, it makes a big difference when you find something you love. I am going for cosmetology and the more we learn about, the more I am totally loving it. We are 3 weeks in and so far in my cosmetology classes I have 100% and in my online human resources class I have 96%. So for any of you who don't know my history, I have sucked at school and was average at best, it was a really hard time in my life and I said goodbye in '99 and didn't really look back.
So what happened?
It all started around high school. My grandma was persistent in always telling me I should be a hair dresser and that thought stayed with me. Then Sean's brother married a hair stylist and we were really close for quite a few years (they were divorced, and while we always said we would be friends forever, things happen...i understand-sort of- and still love her). I learned a lot from her, and realized that I would really like to do that someday, I had young kids and just didn't think it was possible, so put it on the back burner.
Then last year after Olivia was born, I had a series of extremely difficult personal trials. After a lot of thought, and discussion, and more thought, Sean and I decided together that now was the time.
The week before school I was panic stricken, I changed my schedule 2x, tried desperately to find a sitter for the 2 younger girls and had every thought about how I might fail, I'm not good at being a student. The negative thoughts were overwhelming. Finally, the friday before school started I found a sitter, an amazing mom of 4 that has somehow found a way to love and care for my kids, too. (It's easy when they are your own kids, but every mother knows that other peoples children are harder to love and much easier to become annoyed with). Everything fell into place. I also ended up in a 7am class and I'm NOT a morning person. Now I have to get up at 5am, this has previously been completely unheard of for me. One more reason to fail, right? Well, so far I have proven everything I thought, wrong. I have only missed one day, and truly missed being at school, but my kids were sick and needed me. I have found out that I am eager to learn and willing to do assignments (in my h.r. class) that would otherwise be unappealing to me. I know the answers to questions and I have been open to learning the most tedious of tasks. I want to know the foundations inside out and backwards so that when it comes to the fun stuff I can be the best. I enjoy my homework and get it done early. I have become everything I wasn't.
The flip side of the coin is, that for the most part, I look forward to coming home. I still have my long hard and frustrating days, but I make it through and still look forward to tomorrow. I feel like I have more to offer my kids and I feel like I am being a great example to all of them. It has been exhilerating! I feel like a new person. Sean is happy with the change and has been supportive all along. He has encouraged me when I was frustrated and has been willing to do almost anything he can to help.
I feel so blessed!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's sad...

When you thought you knew someone really well come to find out, they aren't who you thought they were.

Here are the Christmas Pictures (sort of)

So I thought I had more Christmas pictures! I will have to look through them some more. My biggest Christmas present was "The Wall" We had this archway in our kitchen, which was nice, but served no purpose whatsoever. My grand idea was to fill it in and put up cupboards, which pretty much doubled our cupboard space. The girls all left for a day to do last minute shopping while the boys stayed behind and got to work.

Surveying the project.

We left with the hole and came home to a new wall!

Connor took helping out VERY seriously!

Hanging cupboards!

L-R Jacob, Connor, Melissa, Alli, Nana, Darby, Aubrey and Sean.

After the work was done we all relaxed and hung out. Just watching movies laughing, a lot. It was so great...until Olivia passed around a stomach bug. Luckily by Christmas day everyone could get out of bed!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

28 years 28 lessons

So I just turned 28 on Christmas. While I'm not particularly happy about getting older. I feel I am in a place where I can reflect on some of the big and little lessons I have learned over the years.

1. Always stand up for what YOU believe in. I don't mean believe in something to stand up for. There's a difference.

2. Be kind to everyone. Not just act kind, I mean actually being kind. Help a stranger, call a friend, just be open to doing kind things.

3. Don't be a follower. This one took me 13 years (k-12 grades) to figure it out. I wanted nothing more than to be liked by everyone, and when I say everyone, I really mean I wanted EVERYONE to like me. When I finally realized that I had my own path and my own fun personality I made more friends. I also learned...

4. Not everyone is going to like you. period. There's nothing you can do about it, so just move on.

5. Just work hard and do your best. Thanks Grandma, I learned this from you. It only took 21 years of her telling me over and over but I finally got it.

6. Listen. There is so much noise in the world today. More people talking and less just listening, most people just want to be heard. More than anything they just want someone to listen.

7. Stop Judging. Just don't do it. It isn't helpful to anyone and more than likely you just don't even know 1/2 the story.

8. Once a friend always a friend. The truth is I remember almost everyone who played a part in my life. I remember my friends from Kindergarten, Dance class, Daycare, Jr High, High School. Probably more than they remember me. If anyone called and needed a friend or were in need of something I could give, I would. (ps we're broke)

9. Forgive. Forgive everyone for everything. Easier said than done (I know, I've had to do a lot of it) but if you can't do it for them, do it for you. Keep forgiving, not to be confused with setting yourself up for being hurt over and over.

10. Believe in God. Whatever your religion, know that there is a higher loving power. He is there for you. He loves you and can help you.

11. Don't talk back. My parents will be happy to know that I finally listened. Although probably learned it later than they would have liked. Love you!

12. Be proud of who you are and where you came from. All of the things you have been through good or bad, happy or sad, have made you who you are.

13. Be honest. Just don't lie, you are only hurting yourself. I used to have a problem lying, mostly to my parents about really stupid things. It was for attention, and it never worked the way I planned it. I always got caught (well most of the time) but more importantly, with every lie I was losing myself, I felt more empty.

14. Make choices that you can be proud of.

15. Love with all your heart, with heartache there are only lessons to be learned and growing to be done. Holding back only restricts the blessings that come with loving fully.

16. Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. Sometimes the best decision for yourself is the one everyone criticizes, laughs at, and mocks you for. Example A: I got married at 18, pretty sure there wasn't one person (aside from Sean and I) who thought it was a good idea or who had faith that it would last...and man did I hear about it! But we knew (going on almost 11 years).

17. Change it or get over it. People spend way too much time complaining about a problem when really there are only 2 choices. Change it or Get Over it!

18. Grown up things aren't ever simple or easy.

19. Let your kids be kids. So many kids are given adult responsibilities and its wrong.

20. Teach your kids responsibility with kid responsibilities, chores, kid choices, school, church. The child who never learns to choose well for him/herself can never be a positive contributing member of society. (having said that my oldest is 8, we'll see how that works)

21. Share. Share your happiness, share your service, share your food, share your toys. Just, share.

22. Laugh. The less you feel like laughing the more you need to laugh. I haven't heard of anyone dying of too much laughter, although there have been people who have died from heart break and stress.

23. Family is important. No matter how screwed up they are give them a chance. (obviously, there are exceptions)

24. It's never too late. To do something you have wanted, to forgive, to love, to share, to get to know someone, to apologize, to learn...

25. You can never decide how someone else should or does live. We can only make choices for ourselves. Just because someone might be doing something you don't agree with doesn't mean you can't love and appreciate them anyway.

26. Don't live with regret. Right the wrong, change your mind, whatever you need to do.

27. Speak your mind. Now this one has gotten me in mounds of trouble, however if you learn to do this with tact, and when its really something you feel strongly about you can't go wrong. There are only lessons to be learned.

28. Be open. Be open to hearing others opinions, even if you don't agree you can learn something about yourself and you may even be surprised that you might have changed your mind.