Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I love to see the temple!

This past weekend we had some visitors. My friend from High School, Sara, and her mom and sister as well as her son Easton were here for a quick visit. We had Saturday to experience Salt Lake before they left to go back to Spokane on Sunday. Sean took the older kids for the day so I could have some freedom. We started out visiting Ikea, having lunch at the Olive Garden (pretty much a tradition for Sara and I when we get together) and then we parked and rode Trax into downtown. Saw "Baby Mama"...hilarious. Took a walk through Gateway and then went to The Garden for dinner *a restaurant with this awesome view of the Salt Lake Temple. It was so fun getting together, catching up and having a few laughs. These are some pics I took while we were out and about.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Because I'm a Little Crazy, That's Why

Well we're (ahem! I'm) taking the plunge and making the switch to "cloth" diapers. I wanted to make this change when Alli was a baby but that was a little too ambitious at the time w/3 kids age 3 and under. Cloth diapers have come a long way since diaper pins and the Gerber "prefold" cloth diapers and plastic diaper cover. Not to say there still isn't some extra work involved but I am ready for the challenge. We have definitely put our share of disposables in the land fill to decompose over the next 200 years.
Now, I don't consider myself one of those "granola" types but over the last few years it has become clear to me that there is an abuse of nature that is taking place. I believe we can all form our own opinions on all of the environmental issues that are out there. Then decide for ourselves what we can do. There certainly isn't a shortage of information. I think, however, it is hard to deny that garbage is not a problem. I'll admit that after living in the Seattle area, where recycling is required and you actually pay a monthly fee to not have recycling service, then coming back to Utah where there is a shortage of services, it felt strange to not sort my trash. Anyway, back to the diapers...the reasons I am going to try this out are very simple.
  • I hate spending $40+ a month for anything that is going to be pooped on and then thrown away
  • I learned how long it takes for disposable diapers to decompose and I was sad that my great great great grandchildren will be sharing a world with the poopy diapers of my children. Talk about leaving a legacy!
  • It's more cost efficient. Although in searching out our product I have found that you could, if you wanted to, spend just as much or more on inserts, accessories, sprayers, pails, totes, covers, services etc. for cloth diapering as you would for disposable diapers. Although over time I think that cloth still comes up more cost effective.
I have thought this through and decided whether its cloth, or disposable you have to change it just the same. I plan on making it less icky by putting all messy diapers in a pail and doing one small load/day. If we decide that this really will work for us I will purchase more diapers and try to do a load every other day. Considering the amount of laundry I already do, 1 small load isn't a big deal. I also bought extra inserts called "doublers" as well as flushable inserts for when we are leaving the house and for anytime I might know there is going to be a "special delivery". I am also a realist, I know that there are times when I will still need to use disposables. So I have a plan and I am ready to dive right in, I'm just waiting for our products to arrive.

To learn more about the effects of disposable diapers: real diaper association and cotton just the basics
To see what we ordered: the diapers, the liners, and the flushables

I'm sure there will be some things to get used to and some adjustments to be made. I will keep ya'll posted on how its going. Wish me luck!

For the record: This is just information about what we are doing. Just because we are making this choice don't think we are trying to convert everyone else. If you aren't ready to give up your Huggies just yet, enjoy the entertainment that is sure to follow...something funny is bound to happen we are talking about pee and poop here!

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Thank You!

Visit My Thank You.
This is a great place to show your gratitude for anything and everything. Invite your friends and family to stay connected. My Thank You is a social networking site with a meaningful and relevant purpose.
Want to know what I'm grateful for?
See My Thank You Page

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

what the weather!??

Today its snowing and in a week it's supposed to be 79 degrees?? I've lived in Utah for a while now and feel mostly accustomed to the weather but even this is hard for me to believe! Even harder to imagine. If it hits 79 next week then I will post pictures of my kids playing in the water.

Thank you Aubrey!
Olivia was having a hard far as Olivia's hard days go. She didn't want to go down for an afternoon nap and of course was too ornery to play. I wanted to get some work done on the computer for my church calling so I was typing and playing baby defense. This is a well known mommy maneuver used while typing on the computer and holding a baby simultaneously. So Aubrey came up to me and started to take Olivia away. My natural mom reaction was to start explaining that Olivia was tired and wasn't likely to put up with much. Expecting that they would both tire of one another easily. Before I could finish my sentence I realized they were both content and playing. Soon they took up refuge under a desk in our chaotic "playroom" soon to be new master bedroom. So I quickly finished what I needed to and started blogging. Thank you Aubrey for letting me have a few minutes. Aubrey is often the kid to help me when I need extra hands. Almost every night she will amuse Olivia while I finish up dinner. Aubrey tends to enjoy more quiet play whereas Connor and Alli are energetic and noisy. Olivia will often become irritable when she's had enough noise. I don't know exactly what Aubrey does but Olivia tends to pay attention. It's a wonderful symbiotic relationship. Now if only Aubrey could get along this well with Connor and Alli. That's a whole different story!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy April!?

Well here it is not perfect for me! I know, I know, I heard it too...the collective gasp. What? How could that be? I am a Mormon living in Utah, I have 4 kids and a should be perfect, well its not.
Yesterday was particularly challenging for me. To save us all some time I have a list.

  • I forgot that I was supposed to take Aubrey for a 1 on 1 lunch...oh the guilt.
  • No one got a nap, particularly Alli who needs one! Olivia's were all cut short by her loving siblings.
  • Every one of my kids has been struggling with a cough that won't go away
  • Aubrey pushed the "whine" button and couldn't find the "off" switch. For anyone wondering a 6 year old whining is MUCH worse than a 2 year old whining
  • I went to leave for the store...everyone dressed and ready with shoes and a coat. I was literally going out the door to put Olivia in the car and realized "I don't have my where did I put them?" Over an hour later, I finally gave up. Eventually I found them upstairs in front of the TV in our room on the floor and STICKY, I wonder who had to do with that?
  • Got an email from Connor's teacher who said that Connor was over heard by another student "swearing" with no detail as to what was said and not just once but on 2 different days. I swear we have been trying to instill values into all of our children and then this. How discouraging and embarrassing! Here's a should I feel about him only admitting to Sean what actually happened? When I pressed him for information he would not directly answer the question and he would then turn on the defense. Sean finally got the whole story out of him.
  • I pulled one of my toenails up...ouch!
  • During bath time the ceiling in my bathroom "mysteriously" was doused with water. Obviously by the hand-held shower head.
  • While I was feeding Olivia, Connor and Aubrey disappeared only to reappear after a THUD above me. Connor ran down..."mom, I think I broke my arm!!" Of course he didn't but he landed on it while he was standing on his bed throwing wet globs of toilet paper on the ceiling of his bedroom. Think, giant spit wads.
  • There are giant spit wads on my ceiling upstairs.
I think that pretty much covers it. Maybe it just felt like a lot and was compounded by Sean still working at night.

Here's the good news!
Yesterday is over.
We also just received word that Sean will be startin
g days soon! He will start training his replacement Monday and by the end of next week will be home by 7pm. I feel like I can almost breath...almost. But just think...I can freely go to Enrichment nights without having to worry about whether or not there will be childcare. No more finding a sitter for Bunco or scrapbook nights! WE can attend functions TOGETHER. I don't even know what that really is. Sean and I have been married for nearly 9 years and I would say out of that collectively he has worked Mon-Fri during the day for maybe a year. He has worked days and on the weekend, he has worked swings both on and off the weekend, he has worked Mon-Fri, graveyard, as well as a stint of working an insane amount of hours during the week (as in leaving before school and coming home well after bedtime). I must say that I very much appreciate how hard he does work for our family. I appreciate that he has made our life secure and has never once been without a job and in the 9 years we have only been without health insurance for 3 months. What a blessing!! I know that his employers appreciate that he doesn't call in sick unless absolutely necessary and he is honest and reliable. I am proud of him for his strong work ethic.
Well that's our April so far! Olivia is now 7 months old and is as adorable as ever! She is very quiet and observant of her siblings and all that is
going on around her. She is still laid back. When the older kids are in bed though, she lets her personality come out and enjoys her time with mom and dad. Hope you all have a great month!