Sunday, April 13, 2008

Because I'm a Little Crazy, That's Why

Well we're (ahem! I'm) taking the plunge and making the switch to "cloth" diapers. I wanted to make this change when Alli was a baby but that was a little too ambitious at the time w/3 kids age 3 and under. Cloth diapers have come a long way since diaper pins and the Gerber "prefold" cloth diapers and plastic diaper cover. Not to say there still isn't some extra work involved but I am ready for the challenge. We have definitely put our share of disposables in the land fill to decompose over the next 200 years.
Now, I don't consider myself one of those "granola" types but over the last few years it has become clear to me that there is an abuse of nature that is taking place. I believe we can all form our own opinions on all of the environmental issues that are out there. Then decide for ourselves what we can do. There certainly isn't a shortage of information. I think, however, it is hard to deny that garbage is not a problem. I'll admit that after living in the Seattle area, where recycling is required and you actually pay a monthly fee to not have recycling service, then coming back to Utah where there is a shortage of services, it felt strange to not sort my trash. Anyway, back to the diapers...the reasons I am going to try this out are very simple.
  • I hate spending $40+ a month for anything that is going to be pooped on and then thrown away
  • I learned how long it takes for disposable diapers to decompose and I was sad that my great great great grandchildren will be sharing a world with the poopy diapers of my children. Talk about leaving a legacy!
  • It's more cost efficient. Although in searching out our product I have found that you could, if you wanted to, spend just as much or more on inserts, accessories, sprayers, pails, totes, covers, services etc. for cloth diapering as you would for disposable diapers. Although over time I think that cloth still comes up more cost effective.
I have thought this through and decided whether its cloth, or disposable you have to change it just the same. I plan on making it less icky by putting all messy diapers in a pail and doing one small load/day. If we decide that this really will work for us I will purchase more diapers and try to do a load every other day. Considering the amount of laundry I already do, 1 small load isn't a big deal. I also bought extra inserts called "doublers" as well as flushable inserts for when we are leaving the house and for anytime I might know there is going to be a "special delivery". I am also a realist, I know that there are times when I will still need to use disposables. So I have a plan and I am ready to dive right in, I'm just waiting for our products to arrive.

To learn more about the effects of disposable diapers: real diaper association and cotton just the basics
To see what we ordered: the diapers, the liners, and the flushables

I'm sure there will be some things to get used to and some adjustments to be made. I will keep ya'll posted on how its going. Wish me luck!

For the record: This is just information about what we are doing. Just because we are making this choice don't think we are trying to convert everyone else. If you aren't ready to give up your Huggies just yet, enjoy the entertainment that is sure to follow...something funny is bound to happen we are talking about pee and poop here!


Anthony and Christel said...

Way to go Megan!! You never cease to amaze me, you crack me up!!

Mary Ann said...

You are a brave woman and I wish I had the gumption to follow in your footsteps-I think maybe I will opt for early potty training :) I totally agree on wanting to do more to help the environment and we produce alot of trash over here, sigh

Andrea said...

Hey -- guess what? I cloth diapered Garion for about 3 months. We were living in a duplex at the time and didn't have to pay for water, so it was REALLY cost effective. I sewed many of my own covers. That was YEARS ago, but my favorite place was the ONE STOP DIAPER SHOP. (I think they changed a few things and you can find them at Good luck! Love to hear how it all turns out in the end (Get it? The END? Ha, ha!)

Anonymous said...

Hey, thats funny. I will check out those sites. I love cloth diapering! I wish I had known it was so easy I would have done it sooner. We also don't have to pay for our water since we pay an association fee.