Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy April!?

Well here it is not perfect for me! I know, I know, I heard it too...the collective gasp. What? How could that be? I am a Mormon living in Utah, I have 4 kids and a should be perfect, well its not.
Yesterday was particularly challenging for me. To save us all some time I have a list.

  • I forgot that I was supposed to take Aubrey for a 1 on 1 lunch...oh the guilt.
  • No one got a nap, particularly Alli who needs one! Olivia's were all cut short by her loving siblings.
  • Every one of my kids has been struggling with a cough that won't go away
  • Aubrey pushed the "whine" button and couldn't find the "off" switch. For anyone wondering a 6 year old whining is MUCH worse than a 2 year old whining
  • I went to leave for the store...everyone dressed and ready with shoes and a coat. I was literally going out the door to put Olivia in the car and realized "I don't have my where did I put them?" Over an hour later, I finally gave up. Eventually I found them upstairs in front of the TV in our room on the floor and STICKY, I wonder who had to do with that?
  • Got an email from Connor's teacher who said that Connor was over heard by another student "swearing" with no detail as to what was said and not just once but on 2 different days. I swear we have been trying to instill values into all of our children and then this. How discouraging and embarrassing! Here's a should I feel about him only admitting to Sean what actually happened? When I pressed him for information he would not directly answer the question and he would then turn on the defense. Sean finally got the whole story out of him.
  • I pulled one of my toenails up...ouch!
  • During bath time the ceiling in my bathroom "mysteriously" was doused with water. Obviously by the hand-held shower head.
  • While I was feeding Olivia, Connor and Aubrey disappeared only to reappear after a THUD above me. Connor ran down..."mom, I think I broke my arm!!" Of course he didn't but he landed on it while he was standing on his bed throwing wet globs of toilet paper on the ceiling of his bedroom. Think, giant spit wads.
  • There are giant spit wads on my ceiling upstairs.
I think that pretty much covers it. Maybe it just felt like a lot and was compounded by Sean still working at night.

Here's the good news!
Yesterday is over.
We also just received word that Sean will be startin
g days soon! He will start training his replacement Monday and by the end of next week will be home by 7pm. I feel like I can almost breath...almost. But just think...I can freely go to Enrichment nights without having to worry about whether or not there will be childcare. No more finding a sitter for Bunco or scrapbook nights! WE can attend functions TOGETHER. I don't even know what that really is. Sean and I have been married for nearly 9 years and I would say out of that collectively he has worked Mon-Fri during the day for maybe a year. He has worked days and on the weekend, he has worked swings both on and off the weekend, he has worked Mon-Fri, graveyard, as well as a stint of working an insane amount of hours during the week (as in leaving before school and coming home well after bedtime). I must say that I very much appreciate how hard he does work for our family. I appreciate that he has made our life secure and has never once been without a job and in the 9 years we have only been without health insurance for 3 months. What a blessing!! I know that his employers appreciate that he doesn't call in sick unless absolutely necessary and he is honest and reliable. I am proud of him for his strong work ethic.
Well that's our April so far! Olivia is now 7 months old and is as adorable as ever! She is very quiet and observant of her siblings and all that is
going on around her. She is still laid back. When the older kids are in bed though, she lets her personality come out and enjoys her time with mom and dad. Hope you all have a great month!


Anthony and Christel said...

Wow, you are a busy gal! Sorry about the rough day, but I have to say..the giant spit wad thing made me laugh! That is pretty funny, just enough to top your day off! Let your kids come over to my house sometime, just so you can have a break, ok? They seemed to have fun!

Lissel Dalton said...

Megan...I can so feel your pain, although I only have two, so I am sure your pain is much worse! :o) And just so you know...NOBODY'S LIFE IS PERFECT, and if they tell you it is, they are totally lying. I do have to agree with Christel though, the giant spit wad did put a smile on my face...aren't kids ingenious in their activities? Anytime you wanna "play" give me a call.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a day!Sorry about that. It sound like the next day was much better. I can understand how you feel about having your hubby gone so much and working nights. I look forward to the day when Alton is home at night. We all have days like that. It helps me appreciate the good times.

Megan said...

Thanks guys! I don't really believe that anyone has a perfect life...its just that most people don't tell you about the bad days so it tends to "appear" that they are perfect or their lives are at least. Much more so in Ut (at least thats what I have observed). I am so glad to have made friends with so many people...that can laugh at my problems...haha j/k ;). You are all great!

Timani said...

I'll tell you what some friends tell me. Write a book.

Things have happened that I still can't laugh about, but most kid challenges I can NOW laugh...then I nearly beat them and wished they weren't mine, but now I can usually laugh!

I do like the giant spit wads!

Maegan said...

I am appreciating the honesty of your crummy day. I too live in Utah and have so many fantastic blessings, but still bad days happen. That would be really hard for me to hear about my kid swearing. I have been there on the car keys being lost (under a couch cushion). And spit wads- sheesh kids can be hard. Glad we have good moments too.