Wednesday, April 9, 2008

what the weather!??

Today its snowing and in a week it's supposed to be 79 degrees?? I've lived in Utah for a while now and feel mostly accustomed to the weather but even this is hard for me to believe! Even harder to imagine. If it hits 79 next week then I will post pictures of my kids playing in the water.

Thank you Aubrey!
Olivia was having a hard far as Olivia's hard days go. She didn't want to go down for an afternoon nap and of course was too ornery to play. I wanted to get some work done on the computer for my church calling so I was typing and playing baby defense. This is a well known mommy maneuver used while typing on the computer and holding a baby simultaneously. So Aubrey came up to me and started to take Olivia away. My natural mom reaction was to start explaining that Olivia was tired and wasn't likely to put up with much. Expecting that they would both tire of one another easily. Before I could finish my sentence I realized they were both content and playing. Soon they took up refuge under a desk in our chaotic "playroom" soon to be new master bedroom. So I quickly finished what I needed to and started blogging. Thank you Aubrey for letting me have a few minutes. Aubrey is often the kid to help me when I need extra hands. Almost every night she will amuse Olivia while I finish up dinner. Aubrey tends to enjoy more quiet play whereas Connor and Alli are energetic and noisy. Olivia will often become irritable when she's had enough noise. I don't know exactly what Aubrey does but Olivia tends to pay attention. It's a wonderful symbiotic relationship. Now if only Aubrey could get along this well with Connor and Alli. That's a whole different story!


Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I had an Aubrey at my house! I'm hoping someday it will I guess until then I will just have to envy you and continue playing "baby defense"! What a sweet picture of your two girls together!