Tuesday, May 6, 2008

There's a Connor in My Tree!

Connor sent this ball up into the tree so with the help of Sean he was attempting to shake it out. Obviously he wasn't going to be able to climb all the way up to get it down. So we watched this attempt for a bit and then Sean decided he was going to knock it out by throwing broom stick into the tree (think modern day spear). Both Connor and I warned him not to hit the boy in the tree but none of us thought that the broom stick would hit the tree and shoot right back at Sean. No one was hurt but we all got a good laugh at Sean, surprised, dodging the wayward spear. Eventually both the ball and the boy came down from the tree and both survived the adventure.

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Anonymous said...

Hi Megan! Happy mom's day! Your kids are precious! Love Faith Hill's song!!! Wish I could still be a "wild one" and get away with it!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you visiting! Thanks for the comment. I hope your mother's day was everything awesome- cause you are!