Friday, May 16, 2008

You Pick...

what to label this blog-
Here are the options:

  1. $200 later! no seriously $200!
  2. Glad I have insurance!
  3. Really? We have to go to the Dr. again? Really?
  4. Sane in an insane World- or is it Insane in a sane world?
  5. If it means saving her eye I'll give her the upper hand this week.

Wow! This last week has been insane. Just as I start feeling balanced and sane, comes along a week to challenge it all. It wasn't really all that exciting either. It all started with an eye infection which is more annoying than dramatic in any fashion. But wait, just when we thought that we had Alli's pink eye under control- WHAM! - Just like that, she woke up on Saturday and it looked like someone had punched her in the eye, except for the bruising part, her eyeball was RED. Anywhere you would have expected white was blood red. So as much as I hate doing it, I called the Pediatrician's office and took her in on Saturday. After looking over it an hmming and hawing (the noises the best dr's make when they are researching) he put some drops in it and lit her eyes up under a black light. That's a wild thing to see. He was looking for open sores on her eye ball and sure enough there they were like 4 twinkling stars in the night sky no bigger than the tip of a ball point pen. As pretty as it sounds, this is not what you want to see because this means that what is causing all of the pain and ooze is in fact not the easily treated Pink Eye. No, its worse. We were looking at a virus. (IE Herpes Symplex-cold sore or Chicken Pox in the eye). This isn't very common but it does happen. So lets start the tally:

Dr's Visit Saturday- $25 co-pay
Follow Up Sunday- $25 co-pay
Meds for eye and ear infection- $40
Ophthalmologist Appt (Tuesday)- $25 co-pay
Thank you Dr. Smith! He gave us samples for the new eye drops for Alli and also looked at Olivia's eye and gave her a sample for her medicine b/c she also had an (bacterial) eye infection
Follow up w/Pediatrician (wednesday- ear)- $25 co-pay
Follow up w/Ophthalmologist (friday- eye)- $25 co-pay

Total: $165

Oh but we aren't done. Sean has been feeling under the weather and his ears started "bothering" him (which means it feels like someone stuck an ice pick in his ear) so he stopped at the urgent care on the way home. He has a sinus and ear infection. BTW when Sean wants to go to the doctor there is seriously something wrong!

Urgent Care- $25 co-pay
Meds for Seans ear infection- $12

That's not all. Olivia has an ear infection, too!

Dr's visit- $25 co-pay
Meds- $12

Grand Total (so far): $239

I am so thankful we have insurance! The cost of all of this would be unbelievable with out it. My only question- Does it have to all happen in 1 week?? I am frazzled. Let me tell you how fun it is to put drops in a 4 year olds eye- IT'S NOT. I have been reduced to bribery and Alli is loving it.

1 cranky 4 year old+1 cranky baby+ 1 cranky husband= 1 cranky mom

There is an end to this. Right?


Megan said...

add ANOTHER $25 co-pay + more for meds. I have a sty in my right eye that had to be looked at by the Ophthalmologist today.