Friday, May 23, 2008


I just thought that I would update everyone. Everyone seems to be feeling better, although, I have been holding my breath just standing by in case we aren't clear yet. I have also been in a blogging rut. There isn't too much going on right now we are all in limbo waiting for school to be out (next Thursday). I am doing my best to keep everyone on their nightly routine and schedule in a vain attempt to thwart grumpy moods from lack of sleep. Understandably the kids do not understand why they are going to bed when it is still light outside. I remember that feeling, and now I know how my mom felt. They really think they would be happy going to bed at 10 pm and waking at 6:30 am. I know for a fact that this is not the case and the battle ensues. Luckily Sean is home this time around (actually this is the first time since any of the kids started school- Connor was in K back in 2005). I have to give him credit because he has done a whole lot of the bedtime stuff since he started his new schedule. He's a good Daddy! He has also done a great job of watching the kids while I go to my monthly Bunko games to have a night out. I am also proud of him for taking Connor and his friend to the Stake Father and Sons Camp-out. It was a great experience for all of them. Connor's friend's mom is single and wasn't feeling well so in taking him Sean helped her and gave her son a good experience. I know from growing up in a single parent home how important it is to have someone to do the things that can't always get done by one person. I hope Sean and I can continue to give support whenever it might be needed. To anyone we know for that matter. We have been so blessed to have people to call on when we have needed someone to watch our kids at the last minute, or needed backup when I was so sick w/Olivia, or when she was in the hospital. Also, growing up there was always someone to support my mom when she needed it. There were a few people who were such good examples to me and my sister who opened their homes and hearts to us and a lot of people to give rides and teach some life lessons. If I made a list it would probably go on forever! I feel extremely blessed that Sean and I might be in a position to help others out. I am also grateful that Sean is willing to be so giving of his time. Thanks Babe! I love you!