Monday, August 25, 2008

A Letter to my Fellow Voters!

Dear Friends and family;
At this time I do not wish to make a political statement, however I have received many forwarded emails that raise my level of concern for this nation to new heights.
The emails I have received are regarding both McCain and Obama many of them claiming that each is a blatant liar and we should fear for our country if we vote for _____. [fill in the blank w/your most fearful choice]. The thing that worries me isn't what any particular email claims but that most, if not all of them are a spin on partial truths or that they are just plain lies meant to persuade the reader to vote for one candidate or the other. Here's the bottom line: If you are going to vote PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!! Because of the emails I have received I started checking the facts and trying to go to the place from which they originated. What bothers me the most is that one of the early candidates was Mitt Romney and during his campaign so many lies were told about Mormons. I hated thinking that there really were people out there who thought that my religion secretly practiced polygamy. That we were a secret cult trying to take power over the world and make everyone mormon. I hated that there were actually people claiming to be experts on my beliefs that knew nothing of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There are many examples, but my point is, I am not going to make my political decisions on any email I receive but I will make them based on the facts, the debates and the research I do to find the truth. Honestly, I do not know who I want to vote for, I personally don't feel good about either candidate, equally. I will continue to research, watch the debates and interviews and look into both of their voting records to make my final decision but I will not decide based on exaggerated claims about any particular candidate. I also realize that my opinion is not a popular one. I am a Utah Mormon aren't I supposed to be a die hard Republican? (I am in fact not registered with either party which opens a whole new bucket of worms, which you can ask me about if you want to hear my opinion). In the end if I continue to feel apposed to both candidates I will choose to vote for neither candidate. (a first since the time I have been old enough to vote).
Thank you for your time!
Love, Megan

I would love to hear what you have to say on this topic!


Anonymous said...

I am not a very political person and not really into history. But, for the sake of voting for president, I have done more research this year. It's very confusing w/all the trash talk on both canidates. I think I know who I am going to vote for as I feel good about it and really the choices aren't really that great. My parents are republican and I have always just voted as they do. This voting thing is hard to do. How do you know who the right person is?

Timani said...

I love politics to a certain extent, the Presidential campaign stuff does take too long for me and with all the trash talking I start to tune it out. That's one thing I really don't like about the campaigns! I watch the debates and it helps me alot. I also research the candidates own websites, read what I think is reliable info...but mostly at the debates I pay attention to see if the candidate will talk in circles like most politians or actually answer the question. I pay attention to their body language (I'll add here, I hated Gore during the Bush/Gore debates, because whenever Bush said something he didn't like, he'd get to the side of his face and stare him down from the side...I kept thinking, what an egotistical arrogant jerk! Bush just ignored it and kept on going.)

I will also say, I do love hearing Obama speak, he reminds me somewhat of Martin Luther King Jr, not as eloquent, but a great rallier. It's easy for him to relate to the people, to gather them and get them very excited. But I worry about many of his platforms. I don't like the fact that Clinton dogged on him so much and now is in full support of Obama.

With McCain I did really like that when he went to States, he had an open forum (the only candidate to do such) regular citizens (not just the media) could ask questions and weren't censored. The media made a big deal about that, hasn't been done for YEARS. Now the media has to submit their questions before the visit and the Staff of the Campaigner edits and allows only certain questions to be asked. So, I really respected that McCain was personable and allowed citizens to ask what was on their mind, express their concerns and to not have it filtered by staff. It showed to me that he was confident enough to be put on the spot, he knows where he stand and where he wants this nation to go. I also like that McCain has brought attention to and trying to get Washington DC away from the "special interest money" being attached to bills...pork barreling and such for over 20 years. Wasn't a recent thing due to he might run for president. If you can't tell, I'm pro McCain. No I don't agree with everything he says or does, but I do think he's the best choice. BTW, I don't vote party lines, I vote for who I think is the BEST choice. I do it locally, statewide and nationally.

I do wish the system went back to their origional ways...1st place, President, 2nd place VP...none of this party having a pick and making it basically strickly Democrat or Republican. I'd like to see more choices!