Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Fall!

Wow, I can't believe its been a month since my last lame post. To any readers I have left, thanks for hanging around. A lot has changed since I last wrote a decent post. I started working on a new writing project, which I thought would be lucrative however after spending hours writing 2 articles and figuring out the websites publishing tool I decided it was enough, not really worth the time. Especially since I have my blogger where I can post in a few minutes and talk about whats on my mind and going on with my life...which appeases my narcissistic side.

So, what's new with the Parkers? Well school is back in session, which makes me happy. I know somehow that makes me a bad mom, but there is something about knowing my kids are learning that makes me happy. I don't mind the quiet time either.

This year our kids started at the brand new charter school Excelsior Academy. We are so excited about everything they are learning. The class sizes are smaller and their teachers and principal are amazing! Connor actually likes school, again, for the 2nd year in a row (still not a fan of homework, but one thing at a time). And by the way he's a 4th grader!

Aubrey is doing great in school, of course! The only really new thing with Aubrey is a sassy attitude, which at this point I am chalking up to a phase. Connor seemed to go through the same thing at 7, so she has a few more days and then were making it a huge issue. (She'll turn 8 on the 13th). Aubrey was literally singing and dancing the week leading up to school. It's safe to say that Connor and Aubrey continue to be polar opposites. However, there are small glimmers of hope: once in a while they actually play together. At this point its completely random, and usually ends up in both of them getting in trouble together, but what ever keeps them bonding!

Oh Alli! Ever the camera shy child...as you can see it's very hard to get her to pose!

Alli loves kindergarten. I was worried most about what Alli's teacher would be like because if she stayed at Overlake Elementary she would have had a chance to have the same wonderful kindergarten teacher as Aubrey. I finally decided we would just have all of the kids at the same school and "risk" it. Well, it was the right choice! I knew it was when Alli's teacher sent her a postcard a couple weeks before school. It was such a thoughtful thing and Alli LOVES getting anything in the mail. Her teacher is Mr. Orkiolla and I found out on the day before school started that the other teacher is from Spokane, Wa! So I was pretty happy with both of the kindergarten teachers. Anyway, Mr. Orkiolla is wonderful, and as Alli calls him "silly". The best part was that she is already learning so much! I am so grateful for kindergarten teachers who start of teaching that learning is fun!