Saturday, September 26, 2009

Aubrey's Broken Arm

Amidst hearing Alli needed her tonsils out and school coming to an end, Aubrey broke her arm. It was the last Tuesday of the school year and I got a call just as I was leaving to go to school that afternoon. I was literally pulling out of the driveway. Since I already had our AMAZING sitter lined up for the afternoon I ran the younger girls over to her house and then ran to school to pick up Aubrey. She had been playing on the monkey bars after lunch, slipped off and landed pretty hard. Luckily it's what is called a "buckle fracture" so there wasn't really a "break" in her bone as much as there was a bend. Thank goodness for strong bones. It really was a blessing because in kids her age it would have been more common to see a break. But she has my rubber bones! The thing that really got to me was the next day when I picked Aubrey up to go to the orthopedic doc. a mother of a girl in Aubrey's class explained to me what happened. She was dropping her daughter off after taking her to lunch. She took her daughter out to the playground and noticed there weren't any aids outside, in fact, there weren't any adults to be seen. Concerned she waited around for a few minutes, and then realized she was late for work and began to go back inside. It was as she turned around she heard Aubrey scream. She ran over to her and helped her up and into the office.
I was floored! Who sends 90+ first graders outside without any supervision? I really couldn't believe it. The entire wait at the Dr. office I was thinking about how many ways to sue the school. Luckily after a day I calmed down and realized the only one's who would pay for that law-suit would be the kids, in the long run. Thinking back on it and realizing the gravity (no pun intended) of the situation I feel that I should go back to the principal and have a recap of what happened. Luckily, our kids don't go there anymore, but still. Like I said I had a ton on my plate (more on that later).
Anyway, Aubrey ended up wearing a brace for 6 weeks, no cast and she got to play in the water after 3 weeks. What a relief, what a blessing!