Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

This Easter was wonderful! This year we felt it was really important to teach our kids about the meaning of Easter, not just the chocolate bunny's and egg hunts. So we asked the Easter Bunny to help us teach the kids about the meaning of Easter. The Bunny hid only 1 special egg with Lifesavers for each of the big kids and all the others had pictures and scriptures about Jesus' life from birth to His Resurrection. I was really worried about how the older kids, who were used to lots of candy and hoopla, would take the change. So before the hunt we told the kids that Mom and Dad asked the Easter Bunny to help us teach about why we celebrate Easter, so he didn't do the same egg hunt that we had in the past. After the kids found the eggs, only 14 total, we all sat around and put the story together and talked about each scripture and picture in order. I was pleasantly surprised at their reaction! They listened intently, needing only a couple reminders to pay attention. I looked into Connor's eye's as I spoke about the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Crucification and he was truly touched by them. I don't know how to explain it. It is the first time as a mom that I have had the experience of knowing that what was being said at that very minute was building the testimony of my child. There simply are no words. We also spoke of how joyous it was and is that Christ was Resurrected and that we, too will live again. Not once did any of the kids complain that there weren't enough gifts, or that they needed more candy. It was a proud day for me as a mom.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful day. I am so glad for the beauty of spring as it is coming in all around us!

I used an article from The Friend magazine (LDS Church) to help with our activity. Here is the website:
go to:
gospel library
For Little Friends
The Story of Jesus


Anthony and Christel said...

I think that you are awesome! What a great idea, I wish that I would have thought of that. We didn't do anything "Easter-ish" on Sunday, all on Saturday..I wanted to stress to my kids about the real meaning of Easter too. They are still so young, but I guess that they better get used to it. :) Good job!

Timani said...

That's neat, GOOD JOB mom!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea. I will have to check out the story. A great example of how can still have fun and be spiritual. Thanks for the comment. You will do great with your new calling.

Lissel Dalton said...

What a terrific idea! It is fun to hear about the different ways parents teach their children about our Savior.