Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sleep Walking

So I started to comment on a friends page (thanks Angela) and realized that I was amusing myself (which doesn't take too much ;) with the things I have done in my sleep. So here you go...
I'm pretty sure I started sleep walking at a young age. It peaked around Jr High-High School. Now that I'm married and have kids I think I am now limited to talking in my sleep. (at least thats all I know of...) I'm probably just to tired to get out of bed.

I came to my mom's room in the middle of the night and demanded she help me find my "pre-algebra doll". No that's not a real thing, but clearly I was stressed about pre-algebra.

Once while sleeping over at my grandma's house around the age of 10-11, I walked out the back door and had apparently taken a walk because my feet were filthy and I was locked out. Luckily for me her property was 5 acres and fully fenced, who knows where I would have gone had I been home.

Here is the most amazing thing (at least I think) I've done. While on a chaperoned summer trip to Wa DC/NY between 7th and 8th grade I escaped. Because there were only a couple teachers and parents on the trip there were "stops" put up to prevent kids from sneaking out at night. One adult slept in the hallway, the outside of the doors were duct taped (for the noise, I'm pretty sure they didn't actually think they could keep the doors shut with it), AND there was a security guard posted at the elevators. Well, I left my room, passed the sleeping adult and convinced the security guard that I was on the trip with my grandma, had left my room for some reason and was now locked out. I guess we talked all about it on the way down to the lobby of the hotel where we called my mom. That's when I woke up, on the phone with my mom in the lobby of a hotel. Wow, was I surprised. I finished talking to my mom and she explained to the Clerk who then explained to security that this was a problem I had. They were all very amused and slightly impressed that I could do such things in my sleep. The security guard got me a drink of Coke and chuckled about it as he walked me back to my room. Unfortunately for me this was in the beginning of the trip and I was so afraid it would happen again the chaperons moved furniture as an obstacle and informed security and hotel staff of my talent.

So, if I ever show up on your doorstep in the middle of the night call my husband, get me a cup of coke (i prefer diet) and walk me home.


Anonymous said...

Megan, you are so cute! I love getting a glimpse into you. I too have done some pretty entertaining sleep walking and talking in my life. When Tyler and I were first married, it used to freak him out a little, but he's gotten over it now. You'll have to ask me to tell you a sleep walking story my husband told me about his cousin...makes me laugh every time.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny. It is amazing what people can do in their sleep. I love the blog entry. Do any of your kids sleep walk?

Timani said...

Holy cow! Reminds me of stories about Grandpa Gibson wandering off during the night or sneaking out of places.

I once heard a story (happened to our friend's friend) he woke up to his wife holding a dining room chair in the air and proceeded to beat him with it while he laid in bed.

Just don't get crazy on anyone. :)

Megan said...

Don't worry Timani, I have never done anything violent in my sleep ;). Connor does sleep walk, nothing interesting, yet. He used to have night terrors which are typically a precursor to sleep walking but we are glad he has grown out of those. All of the girls so far haven't done any sleep walking.