Monday, August 25, 2008

A Letter to my Fellow Voters!

Dear Friends and family;
At this time I do not wish to make a political statement, however I have received many forwarded emails that raise my level of concern for this nation to new heights.
The emails I have received are regarding both McCain and Obama many of them claiming that each is a blatant liar and we should fear for our country if we vote for _____. [fill in the blank w/your most fearful choice]. The thing that worries me isn't what any particular email claims but that most, if not all of them are a spin on partial truths or that they are just plain lies meant to persuade the reader to vote for one candidate or the other. Here's the bottom line: If you are going to vote PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!! Because of the emails I have received I started checking the facts and trying to go to the place from which they originated. What bothers me the most is that one of the early candidates was Mitt Romney and during his campaign so many lies were told about Mormons. I hated thinking that there really were people out there who thought that my religion secretly practiced polygamy. That we were a secret cult trying to take power over the world and make everyone mormon. I hated that there were actually people claiming to be experts on my beliefs that knew nothing of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There are many examples, but my point is, I am not going to make my political decisions on any email I receive but I will make them based on the facts, the debates and the research I do to find the truth. Honestly, I do not know who I want to vote for, I personally don't feel good about either candidate, equally. I will continue to research, watch the debates and interviews and look into both of their voting records to make my final decision but I will not decide based on exaggerated claims about any particular candidate. I also realize that my opinion is not a popular one. I am a Utah Mormon aren't I supposed to be a die hard Republican? (I am in fact not registered with either party which opens a whole new bucket of worms, which you can ask me about if you want to hear my opinion). In the end if I continue to feel apposed to both candidates I will choose to vote for neither candidate. (a first since the time I have been old enough to vote).
Thank you for your time!
Love, Megan

I would love to hear what you have to say on this topic!

Monday, August 18, 2008

ahhhhhh (sigh of relief)

Alpine Coaster

Alpine Slide

So Sean and I did go out for our anniversary on Saturday not too late...usually it takes us months to catch up on important dates we miss. Anyway, we went to Park City and went up to the resort where they have a ton of activities. First off we got a late start b/c I wasn't fully recovered, health wise, from Thursday. I wanted to drop the kids off by 11 am but we didn't leave the house until 2:30, not bad considering we knew we wouldn't be back until late. We got to the mountain and decided to ride the Alpine Slide and Alpine Coaster. I had the ambitious idea of mountain biking but considering the late start we opted out. Once we were there we decided that we would tackle mtn. biking next time, it looked like so much fun. I was so excited to get my adrenaline pumping. Once upon a time I was quite the dare-devil. I needed this away time SO badly. This summer has been so challenging and an emotional roller-coaster so a real coaster was a great way to just get it all out. For a moment we considered going to Lagoon, but once I realized this would probably be one of the busiest days since school started we went back to plan A. It was nice to get away from the kid responsibility for a while and be out of mommy mode. I was me, and with my husband...who I still love! We committed to do something exciting together every three months. There is something different about going out and doing something fun and exciting and doing something other than dinner and a movie. Although before that I really want to go back and do the Ziprider. I need a little more excitement in my life! I learned that we don't have to go away over night every time to get away (we really couldn't afford it this year anyway). Sometimes it can be enough just to go and do something different than the norm. Anyway, our anniversary was saved after all!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


So as petty as this might seem, one of the reasons I love my blog is because I can whine and complain and vent about things that may not mean anything to anyone but me. This is one of those times. So feel free to skip it if you aren't in the mood. I'll understand. Today is our 9th wedding anniversary. Please hold off on the congratulations and applause because this story only gets worse. The reasons this is so not my anniversary!!!

1. Sean is working late, tonight!
2. I had a root canal last week got an infection and went back this morning (after spending the last week in pain and hopped up on Lortab) when the dentist decides he needs to numb me up cut open the gum and scrape out the infection and stitch it back up. Trust me, this experience was even more unpleasant than it sounds and yes Sean is working late!!! Don't get me wrong on any other day I would be more than happy to endure this procedure for the sake of my dental health, but did it have to be today? I didn't make it home before the numbness wore out and I spent half the drive home holding back tears. OUCH!
3. I had a total of 20 minutes of "sleep" last night due to said infection.

Today is SO NOT our 9th Anniversary!
I'll update you when we actually have it! Thanks for enduring my complaining.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Connor's Baptism

Wow, I can't believe I haven't done this blog yet! So a month go Saturday my baby boy (who is old enough to reject this title) was Baptized and confirmed as a member of our church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The whole event was wonderful although more stressful than I would like to admit. The stress was due mostly to the unknown factors. Since Connor is our first to participate in this sacred ordinance I wasn't exactly sure how to plan. My main concern was for him. I wanted Connor to know of the commitment he was making and I wanted him to take it seriously. Which to me seemed nearly impossible, however I have learned from past experiences, especially with Connor, I need to have more faith in the abilities of my son. Connor really is a special child of God with a kind heart and a loving and innocent spirit. He might go to school with the goal of becoming the "class clown" (a high honor to a rambunctious boy) or lie in his bed and come up with such grand ideas as giant spit wads. I know deep down (sometimes not as deep as others) Connor is amazing. I know that many of the "talents" I work on reining back in this growing boy (independence, humor, invention, strength and undying courage) will one day make him the amazing man he is destined to be. His baptism was just the beginning. Today he came home and proudly announced that he was asked to give a talk in Primary (the children's Sunday school) at the last minute. Since he obviously didn't have time to prepare anything he bore his testimony. All on his own. I was so proud that he would happily oblige and that he was proud of what he did.

Thank you Aunt Laura, Uncle Jim and Grammi for traveling so far to show your love and support!

Friday, August 1, 2008

We've been on "vacation"

If that's what you call driving 26 hours with 4 cranky children who would rather be anywhere else but the car for the next however many hours. But we did have a good time while we were in Spokane, WA (where I am originally from). We stayed with Sean's grandma Clegg who was very sweet to put up with all of the rowdiness that comes along with us. Spent a lot of time with Matt and LeeAnne (Sean's aunt and uncle) and their kids Josh and Amanda (11 and 9) who by all intents and purposes are considered cousins to our kids. We also got to spend an afternoon at my Dad and Step-Mom's alpaca farm-the kids LOVED the animals as well as ladder golf. The kids also loved Dads ("Grampa Mark") silly jokes. Connor and Sean were treated to a Spokane Indians baseball game by Uncle Matt. While at the game Connor was "privileged" to witness first hand what a transvestite is. We are proud to announce that he does not want to be one when he grows up! We were also treated to lunch by my Aunt Laura who took us to McDonald's where my cousin Carson works. Carson did an awesome job and it was fun to see him in action! Later we went swimming for a bit. Hopefully next time we can make it for a trip to the cabin or at least spend more time together! While it's a long trip we are glad to make it year after year to visit our much loved family!!

While I kept forgetting my camera I did remember to bring it for swimming fun!

Olivia's Pool

Connor and Carson posing with their goggle's

Alli- the bathing beauty!

Aubrey being unimpressed with the sun-smiling anyway