Sunday, November 29, 2009

Who Needs Mashed Potatoes?

This Thanksgiving was fabulous! We had my cousins, Aunt and Uncle out for dinner. My 4 cousins, Miles, Cassie, DJ and Mitzi all go to BYU so I try to have them out once a month for a family dinner. When I heard that Auntie M and Uncle Goomba were going to be in town from Eureka California, I insisted they come for dinner. They didn't know how much I love to cook a good turkey so they were a bit hesitant as they didn't want to over stress their favorite niece. In the end I got my way and out they came. We were also graced by the presence of my beautiful cousin Cassies steady, Justin. It was a pleasant dinner and while we waited for the second car full of guests, Aubrey and Alli knew just what to do. I bet DJ and Miles were especially grateful they took the "short"cut this time. The girls wanted to do "fingernail makeovers!" as Alli so observantly renamed painting nails. To be quite honest I was very glad that there were two new victims...ahem, I mean...clients. When Cass showed off her pretty fingers at dinner I had quite a laughing fit. When Sean explained that it wasn't as nearly as hilarious as I found it to be, I had to explain that it is when you have been a participant to the earnest efforts of our well meaning 6 year old who actually paints entire fingers, not just the nail, in bright red paint, It is that funny. Cass and Mitz were very good sports they didn't cringe, complain and even expressed gratitude for their new found beauty and that's just one reason why they are so loved! I suppose there really is nothing to complain about when the only thing that goes wrong is that the turkey is done early. But we wrapped it up tight and let the bird rest while everyone arrived. It truly was lovely and one of my most favorite Thanksgivings in recent memory.
It was fun to get out Grandma Parker's china for the celebration. I bought Ghostbuster's the day before on a whim which turned out to be a great way to pass the time between dinner and dessert. There was plenty of laughing, great food (minus some miscommunication over mashed potatoes, but they weren't missed too much). Everyone left full and happy!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fall About You!

I'VE BEEN TAGGED!! I didn't even know until I was re-reading my friends blog...oopsies...I never get tagged so surprise!

1. Favorite season: The Winter, I love snow storms and cold weather!
2. Favorite physical feature: I like my eyes, they're original and me.
3. Chore you most detest: dishes, but I have a great husband who usually does them for me.
4. Color your hair regularly? yep, for years I did blond highlights but lately it's been darker.
5. Top item on your wish list: running shoes
6. Favorite way to 'scent' your house: I just got an airwick scented oil apples and cinnamon air freshener and love it. I'm really picky about how my house smells, it can't just be vanilla it has to be a certain vanilla smell etc...
7. What are you eating for dinner tonight? Cafe Rio
8. Are your toenails painted? no, but I spent an hour painting fingers and toes today, not mine though =)
9. One thing you splurge on even if $ is tight: Fountain Diet Coke
10. Post the most recent photo of you- ack, I have avoided pictures of myself lately it'll take some digging...
11. Tag 8 friends: totally going to take a cop out on this one and say...whoever wants to please do! Don't forget to let me know so I can read about you!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Oh and...

We applied to jobs for Sean this evening. I guess the Navy is desperately in need of logistic operations managers and lucky for them Sean is the best LOM there is. He just happens to be looking for a job. So we applied to all sorts of exotic places such as Maryland, North Carolina, Texas, Washington and California. Even Hawaii and Alaska. We are ready for an adventure of sorts. 10 years of marriage and we still haven't found the soil that we must plant our roots in so it's possible that we will fly somewhere new and amazing and maybe that is where we'll plant our roots. I'm kind of growing to like this about us... <3

Happy Halloween!

Halloween this year was a blast! I decided that I wanted to decorate early this year, for some reason I'm just in a festive mood. Sean, on the other hand, wouldn't let me put up decorations until it was at least October. (I just wanted to do it the weekend before, so not a huge difference). Then we all got sick (well except for super-immune Connor) and it wasn't a little cold or flu, it was the dreaded H1N1! (dramatic...dun, dun, dunnn) Well we all survived. The irony of it all was I'm not so paranoid about getting vaccines and the week we all caught it was the week I was planning on getting the family vaccinated. Oh well, we suffered anyway and we've all survived. The girls recovered just in time to make it to the short week of school (one day that was all celebration). Their school had a "Character Day" instead of a costume day with all of the limits of schools these days. So kids were allowed to pick out a character of a book. Connor opted out, Aubrey picked Pinkalicious and Alli picked Splat the Cat. Apparently I do read to them enough because each girl picked their own character and I was proud. After having been through 5 years of school Halloween celebrations, this year was by far my favorite. Sometimes kids don't dress up at all (which is a big bummer) and other years they are allowed to dress up but there is a book of limitations. This year the idea was so simple but I thought it was the best because it made the kids think about the books they read and they get to become a character for the day. Love It! Of course Connor is too cool to dress up, but we did have a couple of good conversations about who he could be. We usually get our butts to a real pumpkin patch and do the whole sh'bang but since I was sick until Thursday, that didn't happen. We got our pumpkins at the store, I was bummed but the kids were just happy to be getting pumpkins to carve. I also found out on Friday that there was a 'trunk or treat' party at the church and of course there was no way around that so I threw together some cheap $1 store decorations (a black table cloth and 2 ghost buckets, and battery candles) bought some dry ice and voila! instant trunk decor. The kids had a blast and our trunk was a hit, and we ran out of treats! Olivia learned to say "trick or treat" which was ADORABLE! Olivia was a Candy Corn (yep, again), Alli was a witch, Aubrey was a genie and Connor was Megatron (Transformers). Halloween day the kids were wired, of course, no less is expected. Finally the time came to get ready and visit grandma, Connor and Aubrey caught the trick or treating bug and couldn't get enough. They trick or treated in grandmas neighborhood and then again in our friends neighborhood needless to say we are left with way too much candy. I must say that sometimes I am pleasantly surprised at the behavior of my kiddos. They knew from the very beginning they would only get to keep 5 pieces of candy for themselves but they had an amazing attitude from beginning to end. It was all about having fun for them and that made it fun to watch them and be with them. We played games with some friends, taking advantage of the extra hour to have some fun for ourselves! Overall, it was a great day!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So from now on this page will be more positive. More about the joys and focused on my kids and family. I have a new page that is dedicated to my personal journey. I am desperately trying to make some needed changes in my life. Time to live a healthier and happier life. It will be a process, but it's been a long time coming. My new page is Randomness is My Forte'. If you are interested then by all means send me an email and I'll be happy to add you!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I remember being pregnant with Olivia. The song Bubbly by Colbie Caillet was really popular. At the time we had a really old laptop and I would sit with the computer, while on the internet, and listen to the song over and over along with a Michael Buble song. Every time, EVERY TIME that little baby would wiggle and move and poke around and become so active, I could tell she loved the music.
I had the pleasure to go into the Dr.s office for NST's every week after 28 weeks. I loved this time I was able to spend with my little bean, no kids allowed, all alone just listening to her quick little heart beat. Strong everytime and the Dr. would announce at the end of every appointment "She is the happiest baby I've ever seen!". That's just who she is. Two and a half years later she is still "The Happiest ____!". Commonly used nouns are "Little girl" and "Two year old.". My favorite is when one of the kids friends observe how happy she is for a 2 year old. Both Connor and Aubrey's friends have commented on how Olivia is not like any other 2 year old they have seen. Usually followed by some comment about their younger sibling. I wish I could take full credit for her happiness. More often than not I feel that it is despite me, not because of me.
I know Grandma had some strict Heavenly instruction for her before she was sent down. Grandma had strict instructions for everyone she loved.

I never want to forget...

Olivia on her hands and knees helping Sean clean up the tornado of our living room. She had a wipe and was spitting on the hard wood floor and wiping it up. 2 year old spit shining the floor- priceless!

The newest nerdy cool!

Seriously! I have to have one of these bikes!
Madsen Cycles

Madsen Cycles Cargo Bikes

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I and Love and You.

How could it be that I have anything to complain about? How is it that there is still so much I need? So much healing to do?
From the outside looking in I have it all...4 amazing, beautiful, intelligent, and healthy kids. A hard working, always loving husband.
Yet, inside there is so much discomfort. Not so much pain, as much as a longing. A nearly uncontrollable need to run. Run until I feel free to be me. It isn't that I want to be away from my responsibilities, it isn't that I don't want them at all. So many days I feel completely incapable of doing a fraction of what I need to do. I feel the weight of the world, the weight of how things are "supposed to be". The weight of how everyone else does it. I can't do it that way, it just isn't me. I don't feel the need to be different, that's not what its about for me. It's about doing it differently. I see things differently than most people yet my priorities seem to be the same. For some reason the traditional stay at home and take care of things isn't working for me. Everyone else, yes. I'm not saying I need to go out and work, actually I don't know what I'm saying (which is seemingly obvious). It's just that a moment ago, when The Weight started settling uncomfortably yet familiarly upon me I cringed inside and then something new happened. For a second I saw myself beyond all of it. It was that view, brief as it was, I saw the bigger picture. I knew if I could move beyond this discomfort, heal what is broken (again) and fight for me for a change I can accomplish what I want, I can be happy, I can care for my family with all that I have. I can have the rest of my heart back and give so much more. I just have to find step: 1. I begin looking tomorrow. (well today)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Aubrey's Broken Arm

Amidst hearing Alli needed her tonsils out and school coming to an end, Aubrey broke her arm. It was the last Tuesday of the school year and I got a call just as I was leaving to go to school that afternoon. I was literally pulling out of the driveway. Since I already had our AMAZING sitter lined up for the afternoon I ran the younger girls over to her house and then ran to school to pick up Aubrey. She had been playing on the monkey bars after lunch, slipped off and landed pretty hard. Luckily it's what is called a "buckle fracture" so there wasn't really a "break" in her bone as much as there was a bend. Thank goodness for strong bones. It really was a blessing because in kids her age it would have been more common to see a break. But she has my rubber bones! The thing that really got to me was the next day when I picked Aubrey up to go to the orthopedic doc. a mother of a girl in Aubrey's class explained to me what happened. She was dropping her daughter off after taking her to lunch. She took her daughter out to the playground and noticed there weren't any aids outside, in fact, there weren't any adults to be seen. Concerned she waited around for a few minutes, and then realized she was late for work and began to go back inside. It was as she turned around she heard Aubrey scream. She ran over to her and helped her up and into the office.
I was floored! Who sends 90+ first graders outside without any supervision? I really couldn't believe it. The entire wait at the Dr. office I was thinking about how many ways to sue the school. Luckily after a day I calmed down and realized the only one's who would pay for that law-suit would be the kids, in the long run. Thinking back on it and realizing the gravity (no pun intended) of the situation I feel that I should go back to the principal and have a recap of what happened. Luckily, our kids don't go there anymore, but still. Like I said I had a ton on my plate (more on that later).
Anyway, Aubrey ended up wearing a brace for 6 weeks, no cast and she got to play in the water after 3 weeks. What a relief, what a blessing!

Connor's Birtday!

I can't believe I missed blogging about Connor's birthday! To be fair I was in school at the time, as well as being completely overwhelmed by having the kids home from school. I realize that I am supposed to say perfect things like; "I just LOVE having my kids home, it's so much fun!", "Having my kids home is so great, I don't have to worry about getting them to school!". I love my kids but having them home for an entire summer is so overwhelming I get anxious just thinking about it right now.
Anyway...Connor turned 8 this summer. Since we are trying to cut down on spending money for our kids parties we gave him a couple choices. He decided to invite a couple of friends to go to Chuck E. Cheese. He was kind enough to allow Aubrey to tag along because Alli just had her tonsils out. So the best part was that Sean took 4 kids to Chuck E. Cheese all by himself! What a great daddy!
Before they left Connor opened presents and they enjoyed cake and ice-cream. Here are the pictures...not so great after all but I did get some video, too.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I cannot sleep, therefore I blog...

I was thinking about catching up on some past events, however something has really been weighing me down. I have been avoiding announcing this bit of news because it was a hard pill to swallow. Also, I wanted to talk to my mom and step-dad first as they have been my financiers. However, the longer it takes for me to catch my mom the more people ask me how school is going. I have rendered a very generic "I love it, but not enrolled this semester".

I will not be continuing with my cosmetology education. It took me months to come to this decision as I was so committed to following it through to the end and looking forward to being an amazing hair stylist. I loved school, I soaked everything up and retained more information than I ever thought I could (I have been pregnant 4 times). However, there was something lingering over me..Pain. Intense pain, mostly in my back and neck and then during the summer in my wrist (quickly worsening) probably carpal tunnel. So I went to the chiropractor who adjusted me and took new x-rays...not good news. Just since I started school it was clear that my back was in worse shape than it had been in years, partially due to having a baby that was still being carried more then not but obviously being compounded by my new found passion. OUCH! I really didn't want to admit what it all really meant. So, I went on to enroll in a summer semester. In my mind it would be so much better because I was only going to be at school two days a week. By the end of summer semester it was obvious to me that this particular career wasn't the best choice. I also visited another doctor and when I explained what was going on. He kindly expressed his concern and explained what my choices were. I can't believe that I was in such denial, it is so out of character for me.
Looking back I can see that it was out of fear and some issues that came up while I was in school from days long ago...the biggest one being- FAILURE! I was really battling with feelings that I had back when I was in high-school.

Back then I was dealing with more than my fair share of responsibility, stress and work. On top of school I had 3 part-time jobs as a result of that, as well as a lot of stress in other aspects of my life I nearly failed out of school. I constantly told myself "I can't". In my mind I was lucky to graduate from high school and didn't deserve a college education. In the end I did graduate with a cumulative GPA of 3.0. High school made me feel stupid. Only years after graduating did I realize I am smart and I always have been. I was so grateful for Language Arts and Science for helping me to discover my passion for writing, reading and all things science early on. Books and writing were sometimes my only escape and the rules of writing and science were sometimes the only thing logical in my life. Even though I was accepted into college courses as a Jr. (in HS) and scored at the highest college level in the English part of the A.C.T, I still continued to tell myself I was stupid.
I don't know when it began, as far back as I can remember it was part of the dialogue in my mind. I remember trying for the spelling bee as a fourth grader. I studied harder than I ever had in my life and wanted to do it so badly. There was one word I just kept getting mixed up in my mind. I was standing in front of my peers and it was down to myself and one other girl in my class. One last word and I got the dreaded one, the only one I couldn't sort out. Junior. I missed it. The first thought was "I am so stupid". I was so disappointed in myself. I'm pretty sure I cried throughout the entire school spelling bee. Although I can safely say that was the last time I ever misspelled junior.

The one thing I learned about myself when I went back to school this year was that I really am smart, I really can do well in school. I finished my most recent courses with a 3.85, it was actually higher in my lectured courses as apposed to labs. I received an A+ in a general required course. I loved school, which may have been the first time ever.

So, here I sit. Making a new plan and forming a new dream...more to come on that. If you read this whole thing, thank you. I needed to have the weight lifted.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Olivia's Birthday

My baby turned two! As happy as I am to see her growing up into a healthy, active, smart little toddler, there is a part of me that is sad to see her grow up. She has been the best baby ever (well aside from the week in the hospital).

We celebrated with our little family (just the kids, sean and I) and it ended up being really fun! The kids had a blast helping with the decorations, cupcakes and even dinner. For a little anticipation I made them wait until Sean got home from work for the festivities to begin. Here are the pictures...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Fall!

Wow, I can't believe its been a month since my last lame post. To any readers I have left, thanks for hanging around. A lot has changed since I last wrote a decent post. I started working on a new writing project, which I thought would be lucrative however after spending hours writing 2 articles and figuring out the websites publishing tool I decided it was enough, not really worth the time. Especially since I have my blogger where I can post in a few minutes and talk about whats on my mind and going on with my life...which appeases my narcissistic side.

So, what's new with the Parkers? Well school is back in session, which makes me happy. I know somehow that makes me a bad mom, but there is something about knowing my kids are learning that makes me happy. I don't mind the quiet time either.

This year our kids started at the brand new charter school Excelsior Academy. We are so excited about everything they are learning. The class sizes are smaller and their teachers and principal are amazing! Connor actually likes school, again, for the 2nd year in a row (still not a fan of homework, but one thing at a time). And by the way he's a 4th grader!

Aubrey is doing great in school, of course! The only really new thing with Aubrey is a sassy attitude, which at this point I am chalking up to a phase. Connor seemed to go through the same thing at 7, so she has a few more days and then were making it a huge issue. (She'll turn 8 on the 13th). Aubrey was literally singing and dancing the week leading up to school. It's safe to say that Connor and Aubrey continue to be polar opposites. However, there are small glimmers of hope: once in a while they actually play together. At this point its completely random, and usually ends up in both of them getting in trouble together, but what ever keeps them bonding!

Oh Alli! Ever the camera shy you can see it's very hard to get her to pose!

Alli loves kindergarten. I was worried most about what Alli's teacher would be like because if she stayed at Overlake Elementary she would have had a chance to have the same wonderful kindergarten teacher as Aubrey. I finally decided we would just have all of the kids at the same school and "risk" it. Well, it was the right choice! I knew it was when Alli's teacher sent her a postcard a couple weeks before school. It was such a thoughtful thing and Alli LOVES getting anything in the mail. Her teacher is Mr. Orkiolla and I found out on the day before school started that the other teacher is from Spokane, Wa! So I was pretty happy with both of the kindergarten teachers. Anyway, Mr. Orkiolla is wonderful, and as Alli calls him "silly". The best part was that she is already learning so much! I am so grateful for kindergarten teachers who start of teaching that learning is fun!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

2nd Article!

Motherhood 101: Breastfeeding Awareness

Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's Official!

I am now a published author. I will still be posting personal blogs and updates on my family here on my blogger account but to hear more from me please support my new venue! You can read my very first article as well stay posted here:

Check often for new articles!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Dear Olivia,

This is why there won't be enough pictures of you in 12 years. Alli steals the camera, takes random pictures, mostly of herself. This unfortunately takes all the memory on the camera card. When I finally find the camera after a mad search of the house, and if there is enough memory, the precious "kodak" moment is long gone. Just know that we love you even if there is only one picture per year. Someday you, too, will be old enough to take pictures of yourself. These pictures speak for themselves.
All my love,

Monday, April 13, 2009

Top 10 list of Top 10 lists

For some reason as things have progressed today I thought more than once "I could so make a Top 10 list for that". So at this point I have decided to just make a Top 10 of the Top 10 lists I would make. Here goes...

10. Top ten things I have learned about coloring my own hair in the last 3 weeks. As these lessons have quenched my thirst for knowledge, I have unfortunately learned them all on myself. My poor hair. wuah, wuah, wuaaah.
9. Top ten reasons to not have a 7 year old daughter. Please check me in to the next rubber room available.
8. Top ten worst ways to move.
7. Top ten ways to change a diaper on a wiggly 19 month-old who likes to touch her poopy bum.
6. Top ten ways to freak out to sufficiently scare your husband. I've had a few hard days.
5. Top ten ways to avoid real problems that should probably be dealt with umm...NOW. (Spoiler alert! Facebook and Blogging are 1. and 2. on the list)
4. The 10 worst ways to spend Easter.
3. The 10 cutest things Olivia does to remind me I do have a reason to be here. Collective "Awwww" would be appropriate here.
2. Top 10 ways to quickly, painlessly (with earplugs), completely tick your kids off...uh, I mean discipline your kids
1. Top 10 ways to completely exhaust yourself so that you have no sense of reason left. Is my room ready?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just a thought...

I was wondering how much this bailout is costing every person in America. Including babies born today its up to $2289.15 and thats just the first $700,000,000,000 (seven hundred billion). That doesn't include the one that's up right now or the auto industry "stimulus", Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bailout. Why do we keep adding to it?
If they really wanted to stimulate the economy why not send a check to everyone? Why don't we just get a big giant toilet and flush, flush, flush. I'm sure it would get clogged and they could call all the plumbers named "Joe". Do you have any idea what I could do with the near $7000 my family would get? I do 12 loads of laundry per week and my washing machine and dryer are 10 years old and so close to kicking the bucket. We have medical bills up the ying-yang. We work so hard and can't seem to keep up with everything. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm just saying "What about the little guys?"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Just Breath...

Well it seems that today for the first time in a LONG time I can breath. Yep, it was a usual Monday filled with busyness, cranky kids, lots to do and little time. But, for the first time in so long, I can't even remember, I can breath. I can deal with everything that has come up. The feeling is exhilarating and perplexing all at the same time. I'm not going to lie, I'm exhausted. I am not, however, overwhelmed. Honestly at this point of the night I am calling Sean urging him to come home as soon as he can, as if he weren't already trying. Tonight I'm not. What a blessing!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Megan: The Student

So for the first time in almost 10 years, I turned selfish. I am back at school, and I love it. I really never thought I would love school this much, ever. But, it makes a big difference when you find something you love. I am going for cosmetology and the more we learn about, the more I am totally loving it. We are 3 weeks in and so far in my cosmetology classes I have 100% and in my online human resources class I have 96%. So for any of you who don't know my history, I have sucked at school and was average at best, it was a really hard time in my life and I said goodbye in '99 and didn't really look back.
So what happened?
It all started around high school. My grandma was persistent in always telling me I should be a hair dresser and that thought stayed with me. Then Sean's brother married a hair stylist and we were really close for quite a few years (they were divorced, and while we always said we would be friends forever, things happen...i understand-sort of- and still love her). I learned a lot from her, and realized that I would really like to do that someday, I had young kids and just didn't think it was possible, so put it on the back burner.
Then last year after Olivia was born, I had a series of extremely difficult personal trials. After a lot of thought, and discussion, and more thought, Sean and I decided together that now was the time.
The week before school I was panic stricken, I changed my schedule 2x, tried desperately to find a sitter for the 2 younger girls and had every thought about how I might fail, I'm not good at being a student. The negative thoughts were overwhelming. Finally, the friday before school started I found a sitter, an amazing mom of 4 that has somehow found a way to love and care for my kids, too. (It's easy when they are your own kids, but every mother knows that other peoples children are harder to love and much easier to become annoyed with). Everything fell into place. I also ended up in a 7am class and I'm NOT a morning person. Now I have to get up at 5am, this has previously been completely unheard of for me. One more reason to fail, right? Well, so far I have proven everything I thought, wrong. I have only missed one day, and truly missed being at school, but my kids were sick and needed me. I have found out that I am eager to learn and willing to do assignments (in my h.r. class) that would otherwise be unappealing to me. I know the answers to questions and I have been open to learning the most tedious of tasks. I want to know the foundations inside out and backwards so that when it comes to the fun stuff I can be the best. I enjoy my homework and get it done early. I have become everything I wasn't.
The flip side of the coin is, that for the most part, I look forward to coming home. I still have my long hard and frustrating days, but I make it through and still look forward to tomorrow. I feel like I have more to offer my kids and I feel like I am being a great example to all of them. It has been exhilerating! I feel like a new person. Sean is happy with the change and has been supportive all along. He has encouraged me when I was frustrated and has been willing to do almost anything he can to help.
I feel so blessed!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's sad...

When you thought you knew someone really well come to find out, they aren't who you thought they were.

Here are the Christmas Pictures (sort of)

So I thought I had more Christmas pictures! I will have to look through them some more. My biggest Christmas present was "The Wall" We had this archway in our kitchen, which was nice, but served no purpose whatsoever. My grand idea was to fill it in and put up cupboards, which pretty much doubled our cupboard space. The girls all left for a day to do last minute shopping while the boys stayed behind and got to work.

Surveying the project.

We left with the hole and came home to a new wall!

Connor took helping out VERY seriously!

Hanging cupboards!

L-R Jacob, Connor, Melissa, Alli, Nana, Darby, Aubrey and Sean.

After the work was done we all relaxed and hung out. Just watching movies laughing, a lot. It was so great...until Olivia passed around a stomach bug. Luckily by Christmas day everyone could get out of bed!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

28 years 28 lessons

So I just turned 28 on Christmas. While I'm not particularly happy about getting older. I feel I am in a place where I can reflect on some of the big and little lessons I have learned over the years.

1. Always stand up for what YOU believe in. I don't mean believe in something to stand up for. There's a difference.

2. Be kind to everyone. Not just act kind, I mean actually being kind. Help a stranger, call a friend, just be open to doing kind things.

3. Don't be a follower. This one took me 13 years (k-12 grades) to figure it out. I wanted nothing more than to be liked by everyone, and when I say everyone, I really mean I wanted EVERYONE to like me. When I finally realized that I had my own path and my own fun personality I made more friends. I also learned...

4. Not everyone is going to like you. period. There's nothing you can do about it, so just move on.

5. Just work hard and do your best. Thanks Grandma, I learned this from you. It only took 21 years of her telling me over and over but I finally got it.

6. Listen. There is so much noise in the world today. More people talking and less just listening, most people just want to be heard. More than anything they just want someone to listen.

7. Stop Judging. Just don't do it. It isn't helpful to anyone and more than likely you just don't even know 1/2 the story.

8. Once a friend always a friend. The truth is I remember almost everyone who played a part in my life. I remember my friends from Kindergarten, Dance class, Daycare, Jr High, High School. Probably more than they remember me. If anyone called and needed a friend or were in need of something I could give, I would. (ps we're broke)

9. Forgive. Forgive everyone for everything. Easier said than done (I know, I've had to do a lot of it) but if you can't do it for them, do it for you. Keep forgiving, not to be confused with setting yourself up for being hurt over and over.

10. Believe in God. Whatever your religion, know that there is a higher loving power. He is there for you. He loves you and can help you.

11. Don't talk back. My parents will be happy to know that I finally listened. Although probably learned it later than they would have liked. Love you!

12. Be proud of who you are and where you came from. All of the things you have been through good or bad, happy or sad, have made you who you are.

13. Be honest. Just don't lie, you are only hurting yourself. I used to have a problem lying, mostly to my parents about really stupid things. It was for attention, and it never worked the way I planned it. I always got caught (well most of the time) but more importantly, with every lie I was losing myself, I felt more empty.

14. Make choices that you can be proud of.

15. Love with all your heart, with heartache there are only lessons to be learned and growing to be done. Holding back only restricts the blessings that come with loving fully.

16. Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. Sometimes the best decision for yourself is the one everyone criticizes, laughs at, and mocks you for. Example A: I got married at 18, pretty sure there wasn't one person (aside from Sean and I) who thought it was a good idea or who had faith that it would last...and man did I hear about it! But we knew (going on almost 11 years).

17. Change it or get over it. People spend way too much time complaining about a problem when really there are only 2 choices. Change it or Get Over it!

18. Grown up things aren't ever simple or easy.

19. Let your kids be kids. So many kids are given adult responsibilities and its wrong.

20. Teach your kids responsibility with kid responsibilities, chores, kid choices, school, church. The child who never learns to choose well for him/herself can never be a positive contributing member of society. (having said that my oldest is 8, we'll see how that works)

21. Share. Share your happiness, share your service, share your food, share your toys. Just, share.

22. Laugh. The less you feel like laughing the more you need to laugh. I haven't heard of anyone dying of too much laughter, although there have been people who have died from heart break and stress.

23. Family is important. No matter how screwed up they are give them a chance. (obviously, there are exceptions)

24. It's never too late. To do something you have wanted, to forgive, to love, to share, to get to know someone, to apologize, to learn...

25. You can never decide how someone else should or does live. We can only make choices for ourselves. Just because someone might be doing something you don't agree with doesn't mean you can't love and appreciate them anyway.

26. Don't live with regret. Right the wrong, change your mind, whatever you need to do.

27. Speak your mind. Now this one has gotten me in mounds of trouble, however if you learn to do this with tact, and when its really something you feel strongly about you can't go wrong. There are only lessons to be learned.

28. Be open. Be open to hearing others opinions, even if you don't agree you can learn something about yourself and you may even be surprised that you might have changed your mind.